All the stuff used
Thanks to @laststance specifically those involved in creating this awesome template for react. Without further ado, the "stuff" that matters to me:
- Vite
- Vitest
- React
- Typescript
- React Testing Library
- Eslint
- Prettier
The stuff that is cool but is not so important to me right now:
- tailwindcss
- CI (GitHub actions)
And the stuff that I will replace for a different technology
- Replace
- Replace
Don't want to follow along?
Just clone this repository and you got all the features mentioned above - Jest + Vitest - yarn + pnpm
Or simply do:
npx degit guitartsword/vitest-react-ts-extended
Getting started
Use the awesome template from lastance to avoid all the hassle of configuring everything needed
npx degit laststance/vite-react-ts-extended <folder>
cd <folder>
Now you are ready to start, although there are some things that we need to change and delete.
This structure uses jest instead of vitest, but first of all:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Remove Jest and Install Vitest
Now that we can track all the changes we are about to do, let's start removing/renaming files
rm yarn.lock
mv jest vitest
find ./vitest -name *Transform.js -delete
That's it! Now is time to install vitest and edit some files
pnpm i
pnpm i -D vitest
pnpm vitest # to test installation (all tests will fail, but vitest should run)
Once we have vitest, let's configure it, create a file vitest.config.ts
and add the following code:
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'
export default defineConfig({
esbuild: {
// This is to not import React (similar to create react app)
jsxInject: `
import React from 'react';
// const jest = vi; // Uncomment this line if you are migrating from jest to vitest
test: {
// Do not process css files (is slow)
css: false,
environment: 'jsdom',
// This is to not import test, it, expect, vi (instead of jest). Similar to how jest works
globals: true,
setupFiles: ['./vitest/setupTests.ts'],
If you run pnpm vitest
you will have an error. jest is not defined.
To fix this,
we have two solutions:
- Uncomment the
// const jest = vi;
in thejsxInject
configured in thevitest.config.ts
- Rename
(since it is a new project, this is the best case for us) Just edit this filesrc/hooks/useDidUpdateEffect.test.ts Line 6
Now if you run again pnpm vitest
, you will have another error React has already been declared
, just remove it from everywhere
where this is been used or remove the import React from 'react';
in the jsxInject
Now run pnpm vitest
and we did it! We configured it!
But we still have something else we need to configure: tsconfig.json
, add the following to your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["vitest/globals"] // Add this line
"include": ["./src", "./vitest/setupTests.ts"] // Add setupTests.ts to includes
Now let's check if the app runs
pnpm dev
Good, it should be running. There are still some last things to do.
Dependency Cleanup
pnpm uninstall @types/jest esbuild-jest jest jest-environment-jsdom jest-watch-typeahead
pnpm uninstall node-notifier # optional, seems it isn't used
pnpm install -D jsdom @vitest/ui
I noticed that vite was auto-updated to version 3 and msw doesn't work as expected, so let's fix that
rm mockServiceWorker.js
pnpm msw init ./public
Then just press enter and let msw configure everything. Once that is done, let's update our package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "vitest --run",
"test:watch": "vitest",
"test:ui": "vitest --ui", // you will love this (if you test your code 🤭)
So there we go, we finished our Vitest configuration, updated the msw configuration, and removed all jest dependencies and related code configuration. And since we are using @laststance's template, we got configured tailwind, msw, eslint, prettier, and github CI.
Hope this article helped you configure your vitest + react (there is no vitest + react in the community vite templates :o)
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