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Akshansh Gusain
Akshansh Gusain

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Websockets in Golang under 5 Minutes.


Lets start with a simple http endpoint.

Start off by building a simple HTTP server that returns Hello Devs whenever we hit it on port 8001. We’ll also define a simple HTTP endpoint that will act as the base of the WebSocket endpoint that we’ll be creating:

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Upgrading the HTTP Connection

To create a WS endpoint we need to upgrade a standard HTTP connection to a WS connection. We'll be using gorilla/websocket package for this.

1. Define the Upgrader

This will hold information such as the Read and Write buffer size for our WS connection:

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2. Take care of the CORS

This will determine whether or not an incoming request from a different domain is allowed to connect, and if it isn’t they’ll be hit with a CORS error. For now, we'll simply return true.

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3. Upgrading the Connection

We can now start attempting to upgrade the incoming HTTP connection using the upgrader.Upgrade() function which will take in the Response Writer and the pointer to the HTTP Request and return us with a pointer to a WebSocket connection, or an error if it failed to upgrade.

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Start Listening

Once the client is connected we can pass our WS to a reader function.

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*A simple echo reader: *
A simple reader function that echos back every incoming message:

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And that's it! We just created a WS endpoint in Go.

Further reading:

Find the code here:

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