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πŸ”₯ Trending News, Repos and Products of the day - Digest #44

articleImgEach day we handpick the best web content across different websites eg: Hackernews, Github, Reddit... to help you stay updated with the hottest trends!

Level up your πŸš€ skills with these Github repositories:


πŸ“™ gop

πŸ‘€ goplus | ⭐ +Star stars GoPlus - The Go+ language for engineering, STEM education, and data science

πŸ“™ icons

πŸ‘€ twbs | ⭐ +Star stars Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap.

πŸ“™ javascript-algorithms

πŸ‘€ trekhleb | ⭐ +Star stars πŸ“ Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings

πŸŽ‰ πŸ”₯ Hottest Devto posts :

πŸ“ Wicked Blocks V2: Ready Made Tailwind CSS blocks, for your next project. updated with new blocks. 500% free

πŸ‘€ Michael Andreuzza | πŸ‘ +21 reactions Hello beautiful people! πŸ– How are you all doing? I have made something for those that like Tailwind...

πŸ“ Principles of Object-oriented programming

πŸ‘€ Abhinav Pandey | πŸ‘ +20 reactions Object-oriented programming has been the most popular programming paradigm for over two decades. It...

πŸ“ Debugging Mindset

πŸ‘€ Vedran Mihočinec | πŸ‘ +28 reactions Bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere. Some are easy to fix, some are complex and obscure. So, is...

πŸ‘€ Keep an eye on these cool products too:

πŸ”§ Abstract 3D Illustration Pack

πŸ”Ί +80 | πŸ’¬ +12 World's most extensive selection of handpicked & curated 3Ds Abstract 3D Illustration Pack

πŸ”§ OKR Starter Package

πŸ”Ί +97 | πŸ’¬ +21 Interactive and fun OKR courses, no more endless blogs OKR Starter Package

πŸ”§ UXPile

πŸ”Ί +40 | πŸ’¬ +6 We find useful design tools, so you don't have to UXPile

πŸ™Œ Wrap Up! That was all for this week.

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