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Hakatana's Hacks
Hakatana's Hacks

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A Tutorial To Vue.js

What is Vue?

Vue.js is an interesting framework that I see as the "cross" between vanilla JavaScript and a framework like React or Angular. It's used for building websites, user interfaces, apps, and more, with the big feature being that it's incrementally adoptable, meaning that you can slowly migrate over your code from vanilla HTML and CSS to completely using Vue.js.

The core library, according to the website, focuses on the view layer only, and it's easier to pick up than other frameworks out there. However, it's also powerful enough to be used to power dynamic and powerful webpages when used in tandem with other libraries and tooling.

I set out to upgrade my resume with Vue.js, at first converting the static variables to be dynamic, allowing me to quickly change the data on my resume website if need be. I set up a very basic Vue component, with just data held inside it, and implemented it in the existing HTML code, which honestly wasn't too hard.

Check out my video on it here:

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