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Senik Hakobyan
Senik Hakobyan

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Routing implementation using PHP attributes


In this article I want to show an experimental example of routing implementation using PHP attributes.


In our example application we will manage dependencies via Composer.

We need dependencies for making HTTP calls, app configs and testing.

    "name": "example_app",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/"
    "authors": [
            "name": "John Smith"
    "require": {
        "php": "^8.2",
        "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^5.6",
        "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.0"
    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^11.0"
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In this application I have decided that each route should be defined in its own route file, kind of single responsibility.

Services, helpers, up and running

We use some services and helpers, that I don't want to copy-paste here, so you can find them in php-routing-attributes-example repository.

Also, in repository you will find the bootstrap.php which is required in index.php. It supposed to load environment variables and handle routes.

Use docker compose if you want to get the app up and running. Don't forget to create .env file in the root of the project with following single variable:

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JSONPlaceholder provides fake API for testing.



Let's define and implement two routes which are classes CreateUser and RetrieveUser.

CreateUser route


namespace App\Routing\Routes\Users;

use App\Routing\Route;
use App\Routing\RouterBase;
use App\Services\JSONPlaceholder\UserService;

readonly class CreateUser extends RouterBase
    #[Route(method: 'post', endpoint: '/users')]
    public function index(): array
        $userService = new UserService();

        $name = Request::get('name');
        $username = Request::get('username');

        $user = $userService->createUser([
            'name' => $name,
            'username' => $username

        return $this->response(
            message: 'Creating user',
            data: $user
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RetrieveUser route


namespace App\Routing\Routes\Users;

use App\Helpers\Request;
use App\Routing\Route;
use App\Routing\RouterBase;
use App\Services\JSONPlaceholder\UserService;

readonly class RetrieveUser extends RouterBase
    #[Route(method: 'get', endpoint: '/users')]
    public function index(): array
        $userService = new UserService();

        $userId = Request::get('id');

        $users = $userService->retrieveUser($userId);

        return $this->response(
            message: 'List of users',
            data: $users
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In samples above we have defined two classes for user creation and retrieval.

There is method named index in each route class, and route classes are extending RouterBase.



namespace App\Routing;

readonly abstract class RouterBase
    abstract public function index(): array;

    protected function response(
        string $message = '',
        array $data = [],
        int $httpStatusCode = 200
    ): array

        return [
            'message' => $message,
            'data' => $data
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As you see RouterBase contains methods response and index. These methods should be used/implemented in child route classes.

Route attribute

Now let's create Route class and mark it as attribute.

The class will require parameters $method and $endpoint, also it will run validation checks to make sure the endpoint is not duplicated, and the method is in array of get, post, put, patch, delete items.

We want to be able to define Route attribute:
#[Route(method: 'post', endpoint: '/users')].


namespace App\Routing;

final readonly class Route
    public function __construct(
        private string $method,
        private string $endpoint,

    public function validateMethod(): void
        $method = strtolower($this->method);

        $allowedMethods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'];

        if(!in_array($method, $allowedMethods)) {
            throw new \Exception("Method {$method} not allowed");

    public function validateEndpoint(): void
        $endpoint = strtolower($this->endpoint);

        $routes = RouterHandler::getRegisteredRoutes();

        foreach ($routes as $route) {
            if($route['endpoint'] === $endpoint) {
                throw new \Exception("Endopint {$endpoint} is already registered");
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Basically to create a route in this application you need to implement a route class with index() method.



namespace App\Routing;

use App\Helpers\FileSystemUtil;

class RouterHandler
    private static array $registeredRoutes = [];

    private static string $routesDir = __DIR__ . '/Routes';

    public static function handle(): void

        $uri = isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) ? strtolower($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) : '/';
        $method = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);

        $executableRoute = null;

        foreach (self::getRegisteredRoutes() as $route)
            if($route['endpoint'] === $uri && $route['method'] === $method) {
                $executableRoute = $route;

        if(!$executableRoute) {

        $executable = new $executableRoute['executable'];

        echo json_encode($executable->index());

    public static function register(): void
        $routeFiles = FileSystemUtil::getFilesFromFolder(self::$routesDir);

        foreach ($routeFiles as $file)
            $explode = explode('app/', $file);
            $class = 'App\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', ltrim($explode[1], '/'));
            $class = explode('.', $class)[0];

            $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);

            if ($reflection->isAbstract()) {

            $attributes = $reflection->getMethod('index')->getAttributes(Route::class);

            foreach ($attributes as $attribute)
                $arguments = $attribute->getArguments();

                self::$registeredRoutes[] = [
                    'method' => $arguments['method'],
                    'endpoint' => $arguments['endpoint'],
                    'executable' => $class,

    public static function getRegisteredRoutes(): array
        return self::$registeredRoutes;
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RouterHandler is the core component where all the magic happens.

To handle routes we iterate through App/Routing/Routes directory and retrieving all route files.

We use Reflection API to get the index method with Route attribute to know the registering route method and endpoint (URI).

Finally, when request happens, we get uri and method from $_SERVER superglobal variable, and if appropriate route found, we execute the index method of that route.

That's all. Further you can explore the php-routing-attributes-example repository. Thanks! :)

Top comments (2)

xwero profile image
david duymelinck

This a great tutorial to show how routing works in a framework.

But for production code I recommend to use a routing library like

hakobyansen profile image
Senik Hakobyan

Of course! This app is just an example for the article. :)