Installing dotnet core is getting easier. There are two scripts that Microsoft offer to install on Windows or Unix. for Linux/MacOS for Windows
These scripts have a lot of parameters you can use such as:
if you need a previous version -
if you have a specific location you need to install on -
if you want to simulate the installtion without any files changing -
if you want to run x86 on a x64 machine
The official documentation shows all the available parameters and some examples of how to use
If you want to run quickly you could run
# In Windows
&powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; &([scriptblock]::Create((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing ''))) <additional install-script args>"
# In Linux
curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin <additional install-script args>
Or if you want to install a specific version (assuming you have downloaded the script file first)
# In Windows
./dotnet-install.ps1 -Runtime dotnet -Version 3.0.0
# In Linux
./dotnet-install.ps1 -Runtime dotnet -Version 3.0.0
Of course there are some caveats. Some dependencies need to be installed and there is a lot of default behaviour so check out the parameters list if you have any special requirements
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