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Go-like channels in C++

Channels are a convenient abstraction for building applications that operate in a multithreaded environment. They are used for passing messages between threads and, simultaneously, as a means of synchronizing threads. I will refer to "Go-style channels" because, in my opinion, a significant feature of channels in the Go language is the ability to multiplex them.

Implementations of channels in C++ certainly exist, for example, in the Boost.Fiber library. You can find implementations of two types of channels here. In the Boost.Fiber documentation, you can find descriptions of ways to multiplex, although not specifically for channels, but similar techniques can be applied to them here.

The implementation from Boost does not offer multiplexing channels "out of the box" and does not position itself as "Go-style channels," which is understandable since it provides a simple mechanism for message passing between fibers. The proposed multiplexing technique, which can be applied to channels, is a straightforward implementation. It involves launching additional intermediate fibers, one per task (or in our case, per channel). However, using fibers for multiplexing is quite costly.

Another implementation, my first Google search result for "go-style channels C++," led me to this result. The library uses overloaded operators << and >>, and it includes multiplexing, but it's implemented through polling channels in an infinite loop. However, the class go::internal::ChannelBuffer contains an error in the usage of std::conditional_variable and fields std::atomic_bool is_closed; (we'll discuss this below).

Both implementations use a cyclic buffer to store transmitted messages. I will demonstrate with examples that the abstraction of channels is more than just a cyclic buffer with synchronization primitives. I will formulate requirements for the ideal implementation of channels:
1) Multiplexing is implemented without using "heavy" entities. By "heavy" entities, I mean the following:
* launching additional threads, coroutines (of any kind);
* absence of any "background" or "service" threads;
* absence of dynamic memory usage.
Additional data structures that provide multiplexing should only be created when necessary.

2) Thread blocking occurs only when there is no data in the channel and uses standard OS facilities (no infinite loop "under the hood"). Thus, the channel can use lock-free containers, while synchronization objects are not engaged as long as there are messages in the channel.
3) Blocking lasts until data appears in any channel (simple round-robin is not suitable).
4) Support for iterator interface for reading from the channel:

Channel<int>& ch = /*...*/;
for(const auto& value: ch) {
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5) The channel interface allows any implementation of data retrieval. As a simple example, imagine a channel whose data is generated "on the fly":

template<class T, class Fn>
class ChannelGenerator: public Channel<T>
    Fn generator;
auto channel = create_generator<int>(
    [counter = 0] { return counter++; }
for(const auto& value: channel) { // infinity loop!!!
    std::cout << "value from channel: " << value << std::endl;
// print:
// value from channel: 0
// value from channel: 1
// value from channel: 2
// ....
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I'll add one more constraint: by default, all channels are SPSC (single producer single consumer). This simplifies the basic implementation.

Point #2 requires further explanation. The idea is to combine polling with blocking. Polling has the advantage of efficiency and minimizing delays, but its drawback is that when there is no data, processor time is wasted on constant polling. Combining approaches works like this: when there are messages in the channel(s), use the polling approach; when there are no messages, use blocking.

Simple channel implementation

The simplest implementation of an MPMC (multiple producer multiple consumer) channel with a fixed-size buffer can be represented as follows:

template<class T, std::size_t N>
class Channel {
    CyclicBuffer<T, N> buffer;
    bool closed = false;

    mutable std::mutex              mt;
    mutable std::condition_variable cv;
    using value_type = T;
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Example implementation of the recv method:

bool recv(T& value)
    std::unique_lock lock{mt};
    cv.wait(lock, [this]{ return closed || !buffer.empty(); });
    if (closed) {
        return false;
    value = buffer.pop();
    return true;
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The send method is implemented similarly. Now let's think about how to add the ability to multiplex. We'll ignore the requirement not to block if there are data in the channel for now. This implementation uses a pair of std::mutex and std::condition_variable for synchronization between threads.

We need a class that combines our channels:

template<class ...Channels>
class ChannelSelect {
    std::tuple<Channels&...> channels;
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The next step is to work on the interface of the ChannelSelect class. Reminder: channels can transmit different types of data, so a simple interface for the recv function is not suitable for us. In reality, channels can be combined in different ways.

1) Calling a callback for each channel, as in the ChannelsCPP library.
Example usage:

void fibonacci(Chan<int>& c, Chan<int>& quit)
    int x=0, y = 1;
    for (bool go = true; go;) {
        Select {
            Case {
                c << x,
                [&] {
                    int t = x;
                    x = y;
                    y += t;
            Case {
                [&](auto v) {
                    cout << "quit" << endl;
                    go = false;
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In this example, ``Select`` and ``Case`` are classes from the library.
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2) The recv method returns a combination of types. Two subvariants are possible:
1) Wait for all combined channels to be ready and return std::tuple.

    bool recv(std::tuple<typename Channels::value_type...>& value);
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    The combined channel is considered closed if at least one of its subchannels is closed (logical "AND" scheme).
 2) Wait for any of the combined channels to be ready and return ``std::variant``.
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    bool recv(std::variant<typename Channels::value_type...>& value);
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    The combined channel is considered closed if all of its subchannels are closed (logical "OR" scheme).

Subvariant 2 allows implementing "GO-style" classes ``Select`` and ``Case``.
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Simple idea for implementing multiplexing:
1) We need to somehow notify the channel that there is someone "above" it. We cannot call the recv method because we will block. Let's add an additional field to the channel – a pointer (for example, to a function) so that the "writer" can wake up the "reader" after adding data.
2) The ChannelSelect class has its own pair of std::mutex + std::condition_variable.
3) Add a poll method to the Channel class to make a decision about blocking the ChannelSelect class (if there is no data, then block):

bool poll() const
    std::unique_lock lock{mt};
    return !buffer.empty();
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Drawback of this approach

This architecture allows satisfying all requirements from the list except requirement #2.

A small digression

Often, I see a mistake when using the combination of std::mutex + std::condition_variable – replacing some (or all!) fields of the class with atomic variables. Indeed, the notify method of the std::condition_variable class can be called without locking. But this does not mean that std::condition_variable can only be used to wake up another thread!
Let me illustrate the problem:
1) The "writer" placed data (one message) in the empty lock-free cyclic buffer without acquiring the mutex.
2) The "writer" called cv.notify_one(). The "writer" will not provide more data for a long time (or never).
3) The "reader" acquires the mutex and checks for data in the cyclic buffer, finding nothing.
4) The "reader" falls asleep on cv.wait(...).

Let's assume the chronological order is: 3, 1, 2, 4. Therefore, the "reader" will fall asleep even if there is data in the buffer, and it can only be woken up by the "writer" when it adds the next batch of data. But if the "writer" finishes its work, providing the last data to the buffer, then the "reader" will sleep forever (deadlock), while there are still unprocessed data in the buffer.

An example of this error can be seen here.

Implementation based on semaphore

A semaphore is better suited for implementing a channel. The properties of a semaphore allow implementing a lock-free channel. If there is data in the channel, there is no need to block. However, we still need to use it every time we read from or write to the channel. The requirement "not to block" (when there is data in the channel) moves to the semaphore implementation. Most often, a semaphore implementation is a thin wrapper over the OS semaphore, which in turn is some kind of OS descriptor and corresponding system calls. Of course, one could rely on the assumption that the semaphore is implemented well enough and does not use OS system calls if blocking is not required. However, I decided not to use it in its pure form but to call semaphore methods only when necessary.

Solution overview

Event object

All we need is to notify another thread that new data has arrived (or space in the buffer is available for writing). For this purpose, the concept of events is best suited. An event object typically works through a mechanism of subscribing to an event.

We have the constraint SPSC (single producer single consumer), which means an event can only have one subscriber.

Let's represent the event object as a simple class:

class Event
    std::atomic<std::uintptr_t> signal {0};
    void emit() noexcept;
    bool poll() const noexcept;
    std::size_t subscribe(IHandler* handler) noexcept;
    std::size_t reset() noexcept;
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The class has a single field – signal, which stores a pointer to the subscriber object. Here's its interface:

class IHandler
    virtual void notify() noexcept = 0;
    virtual ~IHandler() noexcept {};
    virtual void wait(std::size_t count = 1) noexcept = 0;
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Using std::uintptr_t is not arbitrary here. Let's define two states for the event: signaled and non-signaled. Storing the signaled state in a separate atomic field would be too wasteful; one bit is enough for this purpose. Since the most significant bits of pointers are not used, we can combine the state bit with the pointer.

The bit number is defined as follows:

// the most significant bit of std::uintptr_t
constexpr std::uintptr_t bit = (std::uintptr_t(1) << (sizeof(std::uintptr_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1));
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Here's what the methods of the Event class do:

  • poll – checks the event, returning true if the event has occurred:

    bool Event::poll() const noexcept
        return signal.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & bit;
  • emit – sets the event to the signaled state:

    void Event::emit() noexcept
        if (!poll()) {
            if(auto handler = signal.fetch_or(bit); handler & ~bit) {

Here, we check if the event has not occurred yet. If so, we read the pointer while simultaneously setting the most significant bit. Then we call notify() on it. The additional check in the condition handler & ~bit allows calling emit from different threads.

  • subscribe – subscribes to the event, passing nullptr unsubscribes the handler from this event:

    std::size_t Event::subscribe(IHandler* handler) noexcept
        if (<std::intptr_t>(handler)) & bit) {
            return 1;
        return 0;

    This method is versatile; we can pass a valid pointer to subscribe or nullptr to unsubscribe. In the second case, the return value will be useful – it indicates the number of "events" that have already occurred (or will definitely occur in the future: emit managed to set the signaled state bit but has not yet called notify) before we finally unsubscribe. If our handler consists of a semaphore (the default implementation), we need to wait for all events to occur before destroying it.

  • reset – sets the event to the non-signaled state:

    std::size_t Event::reset() noexcept
        if (signal.fetch_and(~bit) & bit) {
            return 1;
        return 0;

    This method resets the event flag. Similar to the subscribe method, it returns the number of events that have already occurred (or will definitely occur in the future).

All methods are atomic and non-blocking. The emit method calls notify, which in turn involves the semaphore.
An important property of the event object is that subsequent calls to emit only read the atomic variable and do nothing until the event is reset again.

The Handler class is a simple implementation based on a semaphore:

class Handler: public IHandler
    Semaphore semaphore;
    void notify() noexcept override
    void wait(std::size_t count = 1) noexcept override;
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Let me justify the need for the counter. When events transition to the signaled state, the "subscriber" does not always call wait, so the semaphore accumulates its internal counter. When the subscriber object is deleted, it unsubscribes from the event object. However, the emit method might still try to call notify. Now the event counter comes in handy. Before the subscriber object is destroyed, it waits for all accumulated events in the semaphore. This ensures the complete safety of the emit method and the destruction of the Handler class instance.


The event object works in tandem with any object that can change its state and needs to notify another thread about it. So far, it looks similar to working with a pair of std::mutex and std::condition_variable.

The general algorithm for working with the event from the writer thread is:
1) Change the state (in our case, the channel).
2) Call emit.
A significant difference from std::condition_variable is that capturing std::mutex is not required to change the state.

The general algorithm for working with the event from the reader thread looks like this:
1) Create a Handler object.
2) Subscribe to the event.
3) Check if the desired change has occurred:
1) Poll the object (channel) for the desired changes.
2) If there are no changes, call reset.
3) Poll the object again.
4) If there are no changes, call wait.
5) Call reset.
6) Repeat step 3.
4) Unsubscribe from the event.
Step 3 can be repeated as many times as necessary. The Handler object can be reused, so we move to step 4 when all the work is done.

Step 4 is more complicated: simply calling subscribe(nullptr) is not enough; we need to consider the number of occurred events for which wait was not called. Let's write a class that simplifies working with event objects and subscribers. It will additionally protect us from the error of forgetting to unsubscribe:

template<class Event>
class Subscriber
    Event*      event;
    IHandler* handler;
    std::size_t count;
    template<class Handler>
    Subscriber(Event& event, Handler& handler) noexcept
    : event(&event)
    , handler(&handler)
    , count(0)

    Subscriber(Subscriber&& other) noexcept
    : event(other.event)
    , handler(other.handler)
        other.event = nullptr;

    void reset() noexcept
        count += event->reset();

    void wait() noexcept
        count -= 1;

    ~Subscriber() noexcept
        if (event) {
            handler->wait(event->subscribe(nullptr) + count);
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We wrapped the wait method of the Handler class and the reset method of the Event class. The Subscriber class implements the RAII idiom and encapsulates the work with the counter of occurred events.

Event multiplexing

How do we now combine multiple event objects into one?
It's quite simple, but it should be noted that such an event type transitions to a signaled state when at least one sub-event transitions to a signaled state.

The event multiplexing class:

template<class ...Events>
class EventMux
    std::tuple<Events&...> events;
    constexpr EventMux(Events& noexcept
    : events{events...}

    std::size_t subscribe(IHandler* handler) noexcept
        return subscribe(handler, std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Events)>{});
    std::size_t reset() noexcept
        return reset(std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Events)>{});
    bool poll() const noexcept
        return poll(std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Events)>{});
    template<std::size_t ...I>
    std::size_t subscribe(IHandler* handler, std::index_sequence<I...>) noexcept
        return (std::get<I>(events).subscribe(handler) + ...);
    template<std::size_t ...I>
    std::size_t reset(std::index_sequence<I...>) noexcept
        return (std::get<I>(events).reset() + ...);
    template<std::size_t ...I>
    bool poll(std::index_sequence<I...>) const noexcept
        return (std::get<I>(events).poll() || ...);
template<typename... Events>
EventMux(Events& -> EventMux<Events...>;
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All methods of the EventMux class are delegated to the controlled events. The poll method uses the logical "or" operator for the returned result. For reset and subscribe, we sum up the returned values.
The only difference is the absence of the emit method; it is not needed for the EventMux class.


Channels can be for reading, for writing, or both. Their interfaces are very similar, so I use the prefixes "r" (recv) and "s" (send) for similar methods.

The general interface for a read channel can be represented as follows:

template<class T>
class IChannelInterface
    using Type = T;
    using REvent = Event;
    bool rpoll() const noexcept;
    Type urecv();

    void close() noexcept;
    bool closed() const noexcept;

    REvent& revent() const noexcept;
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  • rpoll – polls the channel for new messages. true if the channel is ready for reading, false if there is nothing in the channel.
  • urecv – reads (or retrieves) the next message. The suffix "u" stands for "unsafe"; this method cannot be called unless rpoll has been called first and returned true.
  • close – closes the channel. Messages remaining in the channel will still be available for reading. After calling this method, rpoll may still return true if there is unread content.
  • closed – indicates whether the channel is closed.
  • revent – returns a reference to the associated event object.

In addition to these methods, the interface should provide two types:

  • Type – the message type. The urecv method should return an object of this type.
  • REvent – the type of the associated event object. The revent method should return a reference to this type.

The interface does not use virtual functions because static polymorphism is primarily used in this implementation. If there is static polymorphism, implementing virtual functions is not significantly more difficult.

The interface for the write channel, it differs little from IChannelInterface:

template<class T>
class OChannelInterface
    using Type = T;
    using SEvent = Event;
    bool spoll() const noexcept;
    void usend(T value);

    void close() noexcept;
    bool closed() const noexcept;

    SEvent& sevent() const noexcept;
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Both interfaces are "low-level" enough for direct use. You can't just call usend/urecv; you need to make sure that spoll/rpoll returns true, and if not, you need to work with the event object returned by sevent/revent. Usually, we just want to call something like channel.send(value) and block if there is not enough space in the channel.
To achieve this, let's create a helper class:

template<class Channel>
class OChannel
    template<class Event, class TChannel>
    static bool swait(Subscriber<Event>& subscriber, const TChannel& channel) noexcept

        bool closed = channel.closed();
        bool ready = channel.spoll();

        while(!closed && !ready) {

            closed = channel.closed();
            ready = channel.spoll();
        return ready;

    template<class T>
    void send(T&& value)
        auto& self = *static_cast<Channel*>(this);
        if (self.spoll()) {
            return self.usend(std::forward<T>(value));
        Handler handler;
        Subscriber subscriber(self.sevent(), handler);

        if (swait(subscriber, self)) {
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The OChannel class uses auto& self = *static_cast<Channel*>(this); and inherits from the template parameter, which is named Channel. This is the CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern).
Usage example:

template<class T>
class OChannelInterface: public OChannel<OChannelInterface<T>>
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Done, now we have a convenient send method. For the reader channel, there is a similar class. Note that while the method is convenient, it's not efficient; it creates Handler and Subscriber objects on the stack every time and uses them only once. Working through iterators solves this problem.

Range-based for loop for channels

To fulfill requirement #4, it's necessary to implement iterator classes. I decided to add a separate class IRange and a free function irange. Both the class and the function are templated and work with any read channels. Here's the complete implementation:

template<class Channel>
class IRange
    friend class Iterator;
    using Value = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<typename Channel::Type>>;

    Channel& channel;
    Handler  handler;
    Subscriber<typename Channel::REvent> subscriber;

    // Storage for the temporary object
    std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(Value), alignof(Value)> value;
    class Iterator
        IRange *range;
        using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
        using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
        using value_type        = typename Channel::Type;
        using pointer           = std::remove_reference_t<value_type>*;
        using reference         = std::remove_reference_t<value_type>&;
        void next()
            if (!Channel::rwait(range->subscriber, range->channel)) {
                range = nullptr;
            } else {
                auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(&range->value);
                new(ptr) value_type(range->channel.urecv());
        Iterator(IRange *range) noexcept
        : range(range)
            if (range) {
        ~Iterator() noexcept
            if(range) {
                auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(&range->value);
        auto& operator*() const noexcept
            auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(&range->value);
            return *ptr;
        Iterator& operator++()
            auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(&range->value);

            return *this;
        friend bool operator==(const Iterator& a, const Iterator& b) noexcept
            return a.range == b.range;
        friend bool operator!=(const Iterator& a, const Iterator& b) noexcept
            return a.range != b.range;
    constexpr IRange(Channel& channel) noexcept
    : channel(channel)
    , subscriber(channel.revent(), handler)

    auto begin()
        return Iterator(this);
    auto end()
        return Iterator(nullptr);
    IRange(const IRange& range) = delete;
    IRange& operator=(const IRange& range) = delete;

template<class Channel>
auto irange(Channel& channel)
    return IRange<Channel>(channel);
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A few points to note:
1) The IRange class stores Handler and Subscriber objects. This means that subscribing to the event happens at the beginning, and unsubscribing only once at the end of working with the iterators.
2) Dereferencing the iterator should return a reference to the message, so the message needs to be temporarily stored somewhere. We use std::aligned_storage_t for this purpose.
3) The constructor and destructor of the message are called only at specific moments; there's no need for additional variables or using std::optional.

Multiplexing channels

Now we have everything we need to multiplex channels. As mentioned above, there are two ways to multiplex them.

Multiplexing channels with any channel ready

For multiplexing using the "OR" scheme, let's write a template class:

    template<class ...Channels>
    class IChannelAny
        : public IChannel<IChannelAny<Channels...>> // CRTP
        using Type = std::variant<typename Channels::Type...>;
        using REvent = EventMux<typename Channels::REvent&...>;
        std::tuple<Channels&...> channels;
        mutable REvent           events;
        mutable std::size_t      current = 0;
        constexpr IChannelAny(Channels&... channels) noexcept
        : channels{channels...}
        , events{channels.revent()...}
        bool rpoll() const noexcept;
        bool closed() const noexcept;
        void close() noexcept;
        REvent& revent() const noexcept
            return events;
        Type urecv();
        // Implementation goes here

    template<typename... Channels>
    IChannelAny(Channels&... channels) -> IChannelAny<Channels...>;
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The class stores references to the channels being combined in a std::tuple list. It has its own event object based on the EventMux class and a counter to implement round-robin behavior.
The return type is std::variant<typename Channels::Type...>. All channels can have different message types. If types are repeated, they will still be represented in std::variant under their respective index.

Here's a simple implementation of the methods:

  • close – calls close for each subchannel.
  • closed – calls closed for each subchannel and returns true if all of them return true.
  • rpoll – calls rpoll for each subchannel but remembers where it left off. Calling rpoll in a loop uses an array of function pointers to erase the type:

    template<std::size_t ...I>
    bool rpoll(std::index_sequence<I...>) const noexcept
        using PollFn = bool (*)(const IChannelAny*);
        static const std::array<PollFn, sizeof...(Channels)> poll {
            [](const IChannelAny* channel) {
                return std::get<I>(channel->channels).rpoll();
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(Channels); ++i) {
            if (poll[current](this)) {
                return true;
            current += 1;
            if (current == sizeof...(Channels)) {
                current = 0;
        return false;
  • urecv – calls urecv for the channel for which the rpoll function returned true. Here also, an array of function pointers is used for type erasure:

    template<std::size_t ...I>
    Type urecv(std::index_sequence<I...>)
        using RecvFn = Type (*)(IChannelAny*);
        static const std::array<RecvFn, sizeof...(Channels)> recv {
            [](IChannelAny* channel) {
                return Type(std::in_place_index<I>, std::get<I>(channel->channels).urecv());
        return recv[current](this);

The IChannelAny class complies with the IChannelInterface interface. Therefore, it can be multiplexed with other channels.

Channel multiplexing with all channel ready

For multiplexing using the "AND" scheme, let's write a template class:

template<class ...Channels>
class IChannelAll: public IChannel<IChannelAll<Channels...>>
    using Type = std::tuple<typename Channels::Type...>;
    using REvent = Event::Mux<typename Channels::REvent&...>;
    std::tuple<Channels&...>                 channels;
    mutable REvent                           events;
    mutable std::bitset<sizeof...(Channels)> states;
    constexpr IChannelAll(Channels&... channels) noexcept
    : channels{channels...}
    , events{channels.revent()...}
    bool rpoll() const noexcept;
    bool closed() const noexcept;
    void close() noexcept;
    REvent& revent() const noexcept
        return events;
    Type urecv();
    // Implementation details here...

template<typename... Channels>
IChannelAll(Channels&... channels) -> IChannelAll<Channels...>;
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It's almost the same as the IChannelAny class. Instead of a counter, a std::bitset field is used for each channel per bit – a minor optimization to avoid repeated polling of channels. The return type is std::tuple<typename Channels::Type...>.

  • close – calls close for each subchannel. This is the same as before.
  • closed – calls closed for each subchannel and returns true if at least one of them returns true.
  • rpoll – calls rpoll for each subchannel, and the result is stored in the bitset field:

    template<std::size_t ...I>
    bool rpoll(std::index_sequence<I...>) const noexcept
        if(states.all()) {
            return true;
        ((states[I] = states.test(I) || std::get<I>(channels).rpoll()), ...);
        return states.all();
  • urecv – calls urecv for all channels and combines the results into a tuple:

    template<std::size_t ...I>
    Type urecv(std::index_sequence<I...>)
        return std::make_tuple(std::get<I>(channels).urecv()...);

The IChannelAll class complies with the IChannelInterface interface, so it can also be multiplexed with other channels.

Using structured binding, reading from IChannelAll can be organized as follows:

lib::IChannelAll channels_ab(channel_a, channel_b);
for(const auto& [a, b]: lib::irange(channels_ab)) {
    // ...
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Channels (and events) implement the composite pattern: multiplexed channels, in turn, can also be multiplexed and so on, everything will work with any "level of nesting". All requirements for implementation are satisfied: no dynamic memory, no additional, service (background), or intermediate threads, coroutines, etc. We can wrap a lock-free queue in a channel or create a thin wrapper over a generator function.

The architectural capabilities of the library allow implementing channels and their multiplexing in any way you like. Let me provide two examples.


Let's assume we need to combine multiple channels using the "OR" scheme, but all channels transmit the same type of message or different types of messages, but all of them can be converted into one common type. At the same time, the "reader" doesn't care which channel the message came from. We could use a regular IChannelAny, but then the resulting type would be std::variant. For such combination, we can write a separate class:

template<class T, class ...Channels>
class AggregateChannel: public IChannel<AggregateChannel<T, Channels...>>
    using Type = T;
    using REvent = Event::Mux<typename Channels::REvent& ...>;
    std::tuple<Channels&...> channels;
    mutable REvent           events;
    mutable std::size_t      current = 0;
    AggregateChannel(Channels& ...channels) noexcept
    : channels{channels...}
    , events(channels.revent()...)
    , current(0)
    bool rpoll() const noexcept;
    bool closed() const noexcept;
    void close() noexcept;
    REvent& revent() const noexcept;
    Type urecv();

template<class ...Channels>
AggregateChannel(Channels& ...channels) -> AggregateChannel<std::common_type_t<typename Channels::Type ...>, Channels...>;
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The logic of operation of this class is almost identical to the IChannelAny class, the difference lies only in the type of message created.


A write channel that broadcasts copies of messages to other channels.
The implementation is straightforward:

template<class T, class ...Channels>
class BroadCastChannel: public OChannel<BroadCastChannel<T, Channels...>>
    using Type = T;
    using SEvent = Event::Mux<typename Channels::SEvent& ...>;
    std::tuple<Channels&...> channels;
    mutable SEvent events;
    BroadCastChannel(Channels& ...channels) noexcept
    : channels{channels...}
    , events(channels.sevent()...)
    SEvent& sevent() const noexcept;
    void usend(T value);
    bool spoll() const noexcept;
    void close() noexcept;
    bool closed() const noexcept;
    template<std::size_t ...I>
    void usend(T value, std::index_sequence<I...>)
        (std::get<I>(channels).usend(value), ...);

template<class ...Channels>
BroadCastChannel(Channels& ...channels) -> BroadCastChannel<std::common_type_t<typename Channels::Type ...>, Channels...>;
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By default, the input type is computed as std::common_type_t<typename Channels::Type ...>, but you can specify any other type, as long as it can be converted to the types typename Channels::Type.

Possible Future Developments of the Library

OS Events

The foundation of the implementation is the event class and subscriber. An event can only transition to a signaled state through the emit method. This limitation prevents us from generalizing entities such as file descriptors or sockets. Suppose we want to wrap network communication in a channel abstraction. Creating a service or intermediate thread is unacceptable. What can be done in the future:

  • Add a new message type - a thin wrapper over an OS object. Such a class will not have an emit method;
  • Implement a partial specialization of the event multiplexing template class if the list of event types includes "OS event";
  • The subscriber changes its type or adaptively adjusts to the common event type;
  • Combine multiple OS events to use the OS event multiplexing mechanism (for example, using the poll system call in Linux);
  • "Regular" events are also combined, for example, in eventfd with its descriptor. The emit method of such events will wake up a thread through eventfd.

At the moment, it is difficult to outline the overall picture, but intuition suggests that this is more than possible. Additional complexities arise with channels with dynamic polymorphism; it is necessary to decide what type of event the revent/sevent methods will return.

C++20 Coroutines

We can implement channel classes that convert one message type to another through a user-defined function. The implementation is trivial, but it works if the conversion is one-to-one. However, sometimes there is a need for many-to-one (or one-to-many) conversion. For example, from some channel come byte buffers (std::span<std::byte> or std::string_view), and we can write a function that parses such data and returns another object, for example, a JSON structure. It's good if we have a parser that supports a streaming interface (e.g., boost::json::stream_parser).
Otherwise, we need an intermediate thread (or stackfull coroutine) whose task is to parse multiple objects into one and pass them on.

C++20 has basic support for stackless coroutines. Integrating them into the library will allow implementing complex converters with minimal overhead. Generators (requirement #5) will become more organic; one C++ coroutine can describe both infinite and finite generators, and all this can be wrapped in a channel interface. Moreover, a thread pool is not needed to execute coroutines; they can all run within a single thread, which reads from or writes to the channel.

Output iterators and multiplexing channels of different directions

At the moment, write channels do not support iterators. We can multiplex them, but we cannot mix them with read channels. At least, this functionality has not been developed yet. The idea is to enable writing like this:

    for (auto& [input, output]: lib::IChannelAll{channel_in, channel_out}) {
        ouput = proccess(input);
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Thus, the loop body will be executed only when both channels are ready: there is a new message in the input channel, and there is space for sending in the output channel.

Dynamic multiplexing

We can multiplex as many channels as we want into one, but we cannot dynamically change the number of channels. This is remedied by adding a separate event and channel multiplexer class.
Such a channel takes a container (for example, std::vector or std::span) with the channels to be multiplexed.
This class will only work with channels of the same message type, and the channels to be multiplexed must have dynamic polymorphism.

Optimizing rpoll/spoll calls

Before each usend/urecv method call, we must ensure that the channel is available by calling rpoll/spoll.
We can reduce the number of rpoll/spoll calls by having them return the number of available messages to read/write instead of a boolean value. This count needs to be stored somewhere, thus improving performance slightly at the cost of increased memory consumption.

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