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Why Coding is Good For You?

Is Coding an Art Form?

An essential aspect of the human experience is finding ways in which we can escape into a world of our own. From the earliest plays of Shakespeare to now, art has been the primary medium in humanity’s need to achieve said escape. Movies, shows, poetry, music, and all kinds of different art forms have been created and innovated upon for essentially all of modern human history. This doesn’t mean however, that everyone had the necessary access to engage with this aspect of their life.

The need for literacy education, as well as an expansive perspective on the world couldn’t reach the average commoner of the past like it can today. That was… until we stumbled upon the solution. Thanks to the advent of industrialization and technology, the internet has closed that gap in literacy and education in a way that has never been experienced before. In the past two decades, the amount of information instantaneously available to one’s fingertips has expanded to nearly any kind of topic or discussion you could think of. This is an undeniably massive achievement for humanity, and will help record and save our knowledge for expansion our ancestors couldn’t even dream of.

One of the more interesting developments to come from the Internet Age is the gargantuan expansion of the art world. Digital art has become the new norm, and has given artists around the world the ability to avoid the obscurity of past tortured souls. But among all of the new digital art forms, web design is perhaps the one that has had the most reach in terms of everyday living.

The bedrock of the internet is websites. Everyone goes to one when they want information, and we all have our favorites. Though do we ever stop to think about what goes into making them? As a kid, I thought it was all pure magic. Computer wizardry being performed by some of the most keen minds in the world, happening in a lab similar to that of Marie Curie. More recently, I have come to find that many everyday creatives we could easily find outside of a lab are the ones hugely responsible for this beautiful art form. And yes, coding is an art form, through and through. There is hard science and theory going on under the hood, but it truly could be best described as an art form.

Its been proven that art is good for the mind, so why not give programming a shot?!

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