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Harsh Bangari Rawat
Harsh Bangari Rawat

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Building a Progressive Web App (PWA) with Flutter

Imagine a world where users can enjoy app-like experiences without clogging their phones with endless downloads. That's the power of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). For startups and businesses entering the digital space, PWAs offer a compelling alternative to traditional app development. Ditch the bulky app downloads and reach a wider audience with a lightning-fast, web-based solution.

Benefits of PWAs (Focus on User Benefits):

  • Seamless User Experience: PWAs deliver app-like functionality directly from the web, with features like offline access and push notifications. Users get the best of both worlds: web accessibility and app-like convenience.
  • Increased User Base: Eliminate the download barrier! PWAs work across devices and don't require app store approval, expanding your reach to a wider audience.
  • Reduced Development Costs: Build once, deploy everywhere. PWAs share a codebase for web and mobile, saving you time and resources compared to developing separate native apps.

Technology Stack for PWA Development:

This article will guide you through the ideal technology stack for PWA development, including frameworks like Flutter that streamline the process.

What You'll Learn:

  • Understanding PWAs: We'll delve into the core concepts and benefits of PWAs.
  • Tech Stack for Success: Discover the best tools and frameworks for building efficient PWAs.
  • Development and Launch Steps: Learn a step-by-step approach to developing and deploying your PWA.

What is a Progressive Web Application (PWA)?

PWAs, or Progressive Web Apps, are a revolutionary approach to building applications. They bridge the gap between traditional websites and native mobile apps, offering users an app-like experience accessible directly through the web browser.

Here's what makes PWAs so exciting:

  • Install-Free Experience: No need to clog up phone storage! Users can access PWAs directly from the web, eliminating the app store download process.
  • Offline Functionality: PWAs can work even when there's no internet connection. They can store essential data and functionalities for users to access later.
  • Native-like Feel: PWAs offer features like push notifications and home screen icons, providing an experience that rivals native apps.
  • Wider Reach: PWAs work seamlessly across different devices (desktop, mobile, tablets) without requiring separate development for each platform.
  • Faster Development: Building a PWA often takes less time and resources compared to developing native apps for various platforms.

Before diving in, here's what you'll need:

  • Flutter SDK: The core framework for building PWAs.
  • Chrome Browser: Essential for debugging your web app.
  • IDE: Choose your preferred development environment (VS Code, Android Studio, or IntelliJ IDEA).
  • Plugins: Install Flutter & Dart Plugins within your chosen IDE.

You need to begin by installing the Flutter SDK and Chrome in your system to start over. Although Flutter offers four channels i.e., master, beta, dev, and stable. But to develop a progressive web app with Flutter you can only use master, beta, and stable. So, here we have used a stable version, you can also use any of these three.

 flutter channel stable
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

To upgrade to the latest version of the stable

 flutter upgrade
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Create a Futter project

 flutter create. hospital_pwa
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Important Note: The command requires a period (".") at the end to enable web support correctly.

Run and Test on Chrome:
After enabling web support and building your app's HTML and responsiveness, launch it directly in Chrome for testing.

flutter run -d chrome
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Build your Project

To build a web version of your Flutter application.

flutter build web
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The flutter build web command generates the web version of your app.


Once you've built your PWA using flutter build web, it's time to make it accessible to the world! Here's a breakdown of the deployment and launch process:

1. Choose a Hosting Platform:

Select a web hosting platform to serve your PWA's static files. Popular options include:

  • Firebase Hosting: Offers a free tier and easy integration with other Firebase services. firebase
  • Netlify: Streamlined deployment process and features like automatic HTTPS and CDN. netlify
  • Vercel: Performance-focused platform with global edge network and serverless functions (optional).vercel
  • Static website hosting: Any web server that supports static content hosting can be used.

2. Deployment Process:

Each platform has its deployment instructions. Generally, you'll need to:

  • Connect your hosting account to your project.
  • Upload the contents of the build/web folder generated by flutter build web.
  • Configure custom domains (optional): You can connect a custom domain name to your PWA for a more professional look.

3. Testing and Launch:

  • Test your PWA thoroughly in different browsers and devices.
  • Once everything is functioning as expected, launch your PWA!
  • Promote your PWA: Share the link to your PWA on social media, your website, or app stores (if applicable for PWA discovery).

Congratulations! You've explored the exciting world of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and how Flutter empowers you to build them effectively. By leveraging Flutter's capabilities, you can create fast, reliable, and app-like web experiences that work seamlessly across devices.

Don't forget to like and comment your thoughts for more! Stay tuned for further insights and tutorials in Flutter.

Happy Coding!!!

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