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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2020 Solution Megathread - Day 7: Handy Haversacks

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import re

adj = {}
visited = {}
with open("Problem-7/Day 7: Handy Haversacks.txt") as file:
    for line in file:
        # Every line in the input was in the format outerbags contain x innerbags, y innerbags, so on..
        # So we can split every line into two parts using the word "contain " as separator.
        # As split funtion returns a list, we now have outerbag name as first element and it's dependencies as second element. Unpacked them into two variables as shown below.
        outer_bag, innerbags = line.split("contain ")
        # Now the outer_bag variable has outerbagname with suffix bags in it. We can just slice the string to remove the suffix
        # Similarly, innerbags will now has a string in the format x innerbags, y innerbags, so on..
        # We can extract the count and the innerbag name using regex and grouping as shown below
        innerbags = re.findall(r"(\d{1,}) ([a-z ]+) bag|bags", innerbags)
        # visited list is useful when we are exploring the graph to avoid cycles. Initially we should mark every bag as not visited
        visited[outer_bag[:-6]] = False
        if outer_bag[:-6] not in adj:
            adj[outer_bag[:-6]] = {}
        # Adding edges from outer bag to each inner bag
        for count, bag in innerbags:
            if count and bag:
                if bag not in adj:
                    adj[bag] = {}
                adj[outer_bag[:-6]][bag] = int(count)
# Now we have our adjacency list ready for our directed graph

def part_one(adj, visited, bag_name):
    # dfs of a graph
    def dfs(adj, visited, start, count):
        for edge in adj[start].keys():
            if not visited[edge]:
                visited[edge] = True
                count = dfs(adj, visited, edge, count + 1)
        return count

    # reverse the graph
    adj_reverse = {}
    for outer, inner in adj.items():
        if outer not in adj_reverse:
            adj_reverse[outer] = {}
        for key, count in inner.items():
            if key in adj_reverse:
                adj_reverse[key][outer] = count
                adj_reverse[key] = {outer: count}
    # Now as the graph is reversed, we can find the vertices that previously had a directed edge towards the shiny gold bag now in new adjacency list at shiny gold vertex.
    # Simply exploring and counting the number of vertices explored from shiny gold bag vertex will be the result
    return dfs(adj_reverse, visited, bag_name, 0)

def part_two(adj, start, count):
    if not adj[start]:
        return 0
    temp = 0
    for edge, c in adj[start].items():
        temp += c + c * part_two(adj, edge, count)
    count += temp
    return count

print("Part 1: Total number of bag colors that contain at least one shiny gold bag :",
      part_one(adj, visited, "shiny gold"))
print("Part 2: Shiny gold bag contains total {} number of bags".format(
    part_two(adj, "shiny gold", 0)))
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