DEV Community

Harsh Mange
Harsh Mange

Posted on • Originally published at on

How to Hash and Salt Passwords for Secure Database Storage with Node.js?

Sure, here is an example of how to securely store passwords in a database using Node.js:

  1. Install the bcrypt library:

  2. In your user registration route, hash the password using bcrypt:

  3. In your user login route, compare the hashed password in the database with the input password using bcrypt:

  4. To store access tokens in the database, you can create a separate collection/table for tokens and store the token along with the user ID and expiration date. Here is an example using MongoDB and Mongoose:

These are just some examples of how to securely store passwords and access tokens in a database using Node.js. It is important to follow best practices and ensure that your application is properly secured.

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