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Discussion on: Unit Testing Communication

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Wajdi Al-Hawari • Edited

This is dependent on what language you are using followed by the system you push to. Coming from a Python background, this would mean using something like tox to run all the tests I have written. All being past and new tests.

Then the system you are pushing to would be some combination of your central repo coupled with some CI tooling like Jenkins.

Currently in my professional domain it is actually Gitlab.

If I'm working upstream on GitHub I would use Travis.

But very important to note that your CI system is as strong as what you give it. So you need to make sure whatever language you are using, you have used the appropriate tooling to run your tests and provide a result that these systems can use to indicate the pass/fail scenario.

In terms of rules and guidelines. Focusing more on just the reviewing part. The rule is to checkout the code and try to break the code ensuring that the tests behave accordingly to ensure the appropriate cases are caught and we are collectively confident in pushing to master.