DEV Community

Henry Boisdequin
Henry Boisdequin

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What is your Tech Stack?

Hello, Dev community!

I was wondering what tech stack you use for building projects? This could be a tech stack for building any different pieces of software. Some examples include: web development, mobile development, scripting, machine learning, etc.

I'll start off the discussion by showing you my web development tech stack.

  • Client:
    • React.js/Next.js
    • Chakra-UI
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Apollo Client
    • Framer Motion
    • React Hook Form
  • Databases:
    • PostgreSQL
    • Redis
  • Server:
    • GraphQL/TypeGraphQL
    • Apollo Server
    • TypeORM
    • Node.js

I really enjoy using the same programming language - Typescript - for my client and for my backend because I can share some util functions with both of them. For the databases, I use PostgreSQL and Redis because I found both of them extremely easy to use and very powerful. In the server, I use GraphQL, TypeORM, and Node.js. I use GraphQL over REST because it fixes many of the major issues that REST has. Also, I found that TypeORM is the easiest ORM to use with Typescript. For the client, I use Next.js because it makes creating a React.js website with multiple pages much easier. I also like using styling libraries such as Chakra-UI and Tailwind because I'm not much of a designer. Since I use GraphQL, I also use Apollo Client.

I just wonder which tech stack you use and why you love your tech stack!

Top comments (41)

alvarosabu profile image
Alvaro Saburido • Edited

Hello Henry, I share the tech stack I feel more comfortable with is:

Client: Vue or Nuxt (depending on if it's a static website or a web app), for mobile apps Ionic + Vue. Tailwind CSS. No UI framework, I build my components from scratch.

Backend: Hasura + Graphql

wannymiarelli profile image
Wanny Miarelli

Thanks for Hasura, will check it out asap!

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin • Edited

I will checkout Hasura as well like @wannymiarelli . I have been recommended Hasura before but never came to using it. Thanks for that!

thexdev profile image
M. Akbar Nugroho

My stack is almost similar with you :)

UI web :

  • React.js
  • Styled-components
  • axios
  • React Hook Form

Services :

  • Adonis.js
  • Postgresql

And I'm going to add Redis for my caching database soon..

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Yes, Redis is a great tool to use for caching your database. I would definitely recommend it!

king11 profile image
Lakshya Singh

Front-end : Vue Nuxt Vuetify Flutter
Backend: Django Flask Express
DB: Mongo Postgres

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Since you've tried Mongo and Postgres, which one do you like more? Personally, I've never tried Mongo and have only used Postgres. Do you think I should give Mongo a go?

king11 profile image
Lakshya Singh

They both have their distinctive use cases if you have many relations in your database like foreign keys many to many keys etc then you are better off with postgres. But if that's not the case better off with mongo as it's querying capacity is insanely amazing with select limit aggregation pipeline and other features.

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hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Thanks for your insight. I think I will stick with Postgres but I will make sure to try Mongo soon!

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margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

You might want to give HarperDB a go as well! It supports NoSQL and SQL including joins, so kind of a hybrid between the two.

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hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Thanks for the suggestion. I will check HarperDB out!

csaltos profile image
Carlos Saltos

Cool, thanks for sharing ... we are using Scala with MongoDB, Redis, Solr and HBase at the backend and moving to Svelte for the frontend with Finatra for the Rest API ... it’s great !! 👍😎

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

I've heard a lot of people using Svelte for the frontend. Have you tried React.js or Vue.js? If so, how does it compare to Svelte?

All I've heard of Scala is from the Stackoverflow survey (featured as the highest paying language). How do you think Scala compares to some other languages such as Python or Javascript/Typescript?

viracoding profile image

It sounds very interesting. In which company are you using Scala and in which projects?
I am now learning scala, it’s amazing.

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi

Browser: TypeScript, Preact, Pure CSS
Web server: nginx, PHP
Application server: TypeScript, LevelDB
High performance: Go, C, Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK)

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Cool tech stack! I haven't learnt any high-performance languages yet but I plan to learn Go. How do you think Go compares to C, C++, or Rust?

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi

I have both Go and C in the same codebase.
C is for interfacing with hardware devices, such as 100Gbps Ethernet adapter. You wouldn't want to use Go because context switching is causing too much overhead.
Go is for higher level logic. You wouldn't want to write GraphQL server in C.

Thread Thread
hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Thanks for the tips! I think for my use case, Go would be the best language to learn.

kartikpuri95 profile image
kartik puri • Edited


My normal goto tech stack that I always suggest to a client

1.Vuejs or Gridsome(Depends on the situation)
For frontend framework, I normally go with quasar framework or Vuetify

Mostly Flask or sometime NodeJs Hapi

braydentw profile image
Brayden W ⚡️

I’m learning MERN stack right now :D

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

I've tried everything in that tech stack aside from MongoDB. Do you like MongoDB and should I try it?

braydentw profile image
Brayden W ⚡️

Cool! I've only been learning for the past couple days... but I think it's pretty simple. One of the main benefits is that it uses JSON for storing info which is awesome for many JS developers 🎉

onlytruejeremy profile image
Jeremy Barber

Tech Stack:

Front-End: ReactJS
Middle: NodeJS (firebase also goes here but new to the use of cloud functions)
Back-End: MSSQL or MySQL (some mongoDB and firebase but not often)

Hosting Services (just as a bonus): Heroku, Netlify, FireBase and Clever Cloud. (They all have free/dev stuff for projects or messing around)

Mainly JavaScript in React. Some vanilla JavaScript. HTML/CSS and some SCSS but SCSS generally overkill for a lot of things I feel like, unless you are making some giant app or website as far as I can tell.

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

I've never tried SCSS. How do you think SCSS compares to CSS in your everyday app? Cool tech stack!

daniel_adekoya_ profile image
Deadkill ☄🚀

Vue, laravel and graphql

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

GraphQL is a great tool, glad it's in your tech stack!

ozeta profile image
Marco Carrozzo

java / quarkus / vertx
python / flask / aiohttp
mysql / cassandra / elastic
docker / swarm / k8s

no frontend as I'm a devops :)

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Cool and interesting tech stack! I have never head of some tools on your tech stack such as cassandra, elastic, swarm, and k8s. Will definitely check those out!

nonsolouise profile image

Mine damn simple
-framer motion

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Short and sweet but powerful!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, React, Redux, Flutter/Dart

Back-End: Python, NodeJS, SQL, NoSQL, Kotlin

CI/CD: GitHub Actions, CircleCI

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin


hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Thanks @sharpninja !

tirtakeniten profile image
Tirta Keniten

This is my stack:


  • Vue/Nuxtjs
  • Tailwind


  • MySQL
  • Redis


  • Laravel
  • NodeJs / Express
hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Great tech stack!

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Cool and powerful tech stack!