It's an opinionated guide I keep with me to consult every time I catch myself in doubt if I'm writing nice commit messages with context of what I'm...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Good ideas. Adding examples will be good to see.
Here are my rules that I stick on to:
Update login button to use the new API
Fix #234: User cannot log in with email
[WIP] improving the login process
[TEMP] add a temporary logout button
Nice tips!
The unique one I try to maintain in the body is the ticket ID because in my case it's just to be tracked in Jira and isn't to be shown.
These are great ideas. Could you consider a post with some solid examples to go with these practices?
have a look at gist.github.com/qoomon/5dfcdf8eec6...
Very nice. Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback.
Yeah! I'm thinking to make a more structured post with these topics, I created this one as a note in my blog and just shared here to see opinions about it.
We like to think:
"Derek was trying to ____________________________."
But our projects are green-field and not toooo crazy.
add the user-card component
adjust loud-voice clamp
add padding to the page-header component
I've created an account to give a like. This comment gave a good laugh; when I read it I initially though that the pattern is literally "Derek was trying to ____________________________."... if you know what I mean. ;)
I have the same feeling here when I read the first time. hahaha
Like he couldn't think of anything?
...but did something regardless.
My name is Derek - and I approve this git message. hahaha
I think we started doing this because / well, we just wanted to be consistent. So - we read somewhere that people use "imperative voice" or something...
But it wouldn't be the first time we decided to do something a certain way and then changed it... so, always looking for "THE BEST" way. ha! Always trying to improve... but we can lazy-load it.
Thanks for the reply and I really enjoy this pattern you talked about.
Verb tense in commit messages is always a fun one, and each "tense" has a reason (IMO.. comment away but I'm not passionate enough to debate)
Past: What happened to the code, good for merge
Present: Current state of the code, middle-ground for merge/PR
Future: What will happen to the code, good for PR
I's a nice idea to write good commit messages... but in the case of simple tasks it becomes more like "fix #851" which is picked by Jira or other tool automatically... so you can click on a message (if you use an IDE) and it takes you to the description.
One could copy the subject and description from Jira, but sometimes the fix is simple (like change
somewhere), but the bug is so weird that it's impossible to fit it in a commit message which wouldn't end up being cryptic. For example, in a situation when elephant extinction level goes down and it is a full moon, timestamps are shifted by a millisecond in systems which have an odd IP number.It was a great article. And it's informative. If you want to do it in gui and add emoji support too. I would recommend this vscode plugin
I have been using this extension for an year and is awesome.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Some months ago I started using the Emacs + Magit and IMO it's awesome to use together.
I absolutely agree to your approach. I've created a highly configurable commit message checker to ensure the right format and valid types and scopes. See github.com/qoomon/git-conventional....
That's really nice, I'll check it.
Thanks for the share.
Don't forget to put an Emoji at the start of each commit 🧐🤪🚀
Personally, I really like emojis hahahh
Really useful article! I end up not focusing on the commit messages as much as I should. I'll try to follow these rules from now on.
Thanks for the reply!
I'm glad the tips were helpful.
good to know, I am always curios to know how other people use git commits, isn't your approach (Angular convention)?
-BTW I checked your github, looks that you don't use your idea that much, is there cases where you think it's too much to nail a uniform commits?
Thanks for the reply.
I commonly use the conventional rules, I think it's the same used as the angular convention.
In a repository like my dotfiles I keep in a different way, because I'm not working with a team and organize the commits based in the scopes without types, considering it's just me in the project I make a commits pattern that works for me, but it's very personal.
Great article.
I'm trying to get the flow of this down atm, and I was wondering how these should be written. It makes sense, although I feel like to learn github you should really be on two computers at once, but as commits show up, this is a description of what a merge will do to your code base.
Great article! Would you mind if I translate this to Spanish in my blog?
I really appreciate that, no problem, just mention the original post. :)
Very nice! Parceiro.
Obrigado! :)
I was add "ed" to type word
ex1) Fixed pagination gem bug
ex2) Changed pagination1 gem to pagination2 gem
i think your format is pretty and cool
Good article thanks for sharing these tips.
Thanks! :)
Great, thanks. I personally would appreciate 2-3 examples for clarification 😊
Nice to know that! I'll share more examples to clarify.
Thanks for your reply.