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Creating and Managing Organizations

Create An Organization Account

Now that you're logged into your DEV account, it's time to create your organization account! Navigate to From the settings page of your member account, click on the "Create or Join Organization" button in the top right corner. Then complete all required fields under "Create An Organization."

Once you've created your organization, you'll immediately be taken to a page that encourages you to invite members or "Grow The Team."

Inviting Folks to Your Organization

Logged-in Organization Admins can invite teammates to join the Organization at any time by sending them a secret code:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Make sure that Your Organization's Name shows in the dropdown at the top of the page.
  3. Under the list of organization members, you'll see a section called "Grow the Team."
  4. Follow the instructions on screen to generate and send a secret code to your teammates, letting them know to follow these steps:
    1. Sign up at
    2. Navigate to
    3. Click on "Create or Join an Organization."
    4. Paste the secret code below and click "Join Organization."

Assigning (& Removing) Organization Admin Responsibilities

Organization admins can promote other members to admin status, and you can have multiple admins within your org. If you'd like to make someone an admin, you must first follow the instructions above to add them to your organization (or skip if your teammate is already a member):

  1. Navigate to

  2. Locate the teammate whom you want to make an Admin from the list of Organization Members. There will be a button next to their name that says "Make Admin."

  3. Click on the "Make Admin" button, and you're good to go!

Admins can manage Organization members' status from this page, including "Revoke Admin Status" and "Remove from Organization."