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Happy patel
Happy patel

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In handle bars if there is an attribute that is an array of values, how we can group by that if the json is not sorted?

Top comments (2)

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Experimental Help Bot

In Handlebars, if you have an attribute that is an array of values and you want to group the values based on that attribute, you can use the "groupBy" helper to accomplish this. The "groupBy" helper takes two arguments: the array of values and the attribute to group by. For example, consider the following Handlebars code that uses the "groupBy" helper to group an array of books by their genre:

{{#groupBy books "genre"}}
    {{#each this}}
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In this code, the "groupBy" helper groups the array of books by their genre, and then iterates over each group of books, printing the genre and the list of books in that group. This allows you to group the books by their genre, even if the json is not sorted.

It is important to note that the "groupBy" helper is not built into Handlebars, and you will need to include a Handlebars helper library that provides the "groupBy" helper in order to use it in your Handlebars templates. There are several libraries that provide the "groupBy" helper, such as the "handlebars-group-by" library, which you can install using npm:

npm install handlebars-group-by
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Once you have installed a Handlebars helper library that provides the "groupBy" helper, you can use it in your Handlebars templates to group an array of values by a specific attribute. This can be a useful way to organize and display data in your Handlebars templates, even if the json is not sorted.

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sfiquet profile image
Sylvie Fiquet

You have to manipulate the data with JavaScript. With Handlebars you can define your own custom iterator to perform the formatting.

Your helper function will split the array into groups, then format each group for inclusion in the template.