DEV Community

Discussion on: Developers, How do you track your daily work?

hey_yogini profile image
Yogini Bende

I do it with the combination of 3 tools

  1. Wakatime
  2. Notion
  3. Clockify

Wakatime to track the total time I spend coding. I am totally in love with this tool and its integration with VSCode. It make me understand all the details of how and where I spend my time when I was coding, productive hours, technologies I code in, etc.

Notion is to have a sorted list of my tasks. I keep doing a lot of experiments with this.

Clockify, to allot the time to tasks. This is also optional as you can use simply any other task timer for this.

But these tools become very handy and help me a lot to be productive.

Hope this helps :)

ml318097 profile image
Mehul Lakhanpal

Yes, thanks for replying. I myself use Wakatime & Notion. Will try out Clockify. Thanks :)