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Revamping an unstructured app: approaches for enhancing usability and coherence

Imagine a startup consisting of a salesperson, a leader, and a developer. They undertake the development of their application exclusively relying on their own experiences. However, due to budget constraints, they lack the resources for additional research, let alone conducting user testing.
In the rapidly evolving world of software development, the creation and deployment of applications have become an integral part of modern business strategies. Developers often work under tight deadlines and resource constraints, resulting in the development of applications that lack a coherent structure. These unstructured applications can be challenging to navigate and comprehend, leading to user frustration and operational inefficiencies. However, the solution lies in revamping these applications to enhance usability and coherence.
In this article, we will delve into the crucial aspect of information architecture and explore how it plays a pivotal role in transforming unstructured applications.

Understanding unstructured applications and their challenges

Unstructured applications, often referred to as "legacy" applications, are characterised by their lack of organised design, inconsistent codebase, and limited user-centered approach. These applications are typically developed by small teams, individual developers, or startups with constrained resources. While they might fulfil the immediate functional requirements, they tend to suffer from a myriad of usability and coherence issues:

  1. Disjointed user experience: unstructured applications often result in a fragmented user experience. Inconsistent design elements, varying interaction patterns, and disjointed workflows make it challenging for users to navigate and understand the application.
  2. Maintenance nightmares: the absence of a coherent structure leads to spaghetti code, tangled dependencies, and poor modularisation. This complexity makes future updates and maintenance an arduous task, increasing the risk of introducing bugs and errors.
  3. Inefficient collaboration: Unstructured applications lack standardised coding practices and clear documentation, hampering collaboration among developers. This results in misunderstandings, longer onboarding times for new developers, and hindered team productivity.
  4. Unclear user journey: without a well-defined information architecture, users struggle to find their desired functionalities. This leads to frustration, increased support requests, and ultimately, a decline in user satisfaction.

The Role of Information Architecture in revamping

At the core of transforming unstructured applications lies a comprehensive overhaul of the information architecture.

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Information architecture refers to the structural design of shared information environments, encompassing the organisation, labelling, and navigation of content. It serves as the blueprint for a user's interaction with an application, determining how they access and interact with its features. By reimagining and reorganising the information architecture, developers can revamp the application's usability and coherence.

Defining a clear hierarchy and navigation

The first step in revamping the information architecture is to define a clear hierarchy and navigation structure. Start by categorising functionalities and content into logical groups. Identify primary and secondary features, and prioritise them based on user needs and goals. This hierarchy serves as a roadmap for users, guiding them through the application intuitively.

User-centered design principles

A user-centered approach is paramount in the revamping process. Develop personas and user journeys to gain insights into user behaviours and expectations. Apply these insights to the information architecture, ensuring that the most frequently used features are easily accessible and prominently displayed. Group related functionalities to create a seamless flow that aligns with user workflows.

Consistent design patterns

Coherence in design is essential for a revamped application's success. Implement consistent design patterns across the application to provide users with a unified experience. Standardise elements such as buttons, forms, typography, and colour schemes. This consistency not only enhances aesthetics but also reduces cognitive load and improves usability.

Simplify and streamline navigation

Unstructured applications often suffer from overly complex navigation. In the revamping process, streamline navigation by reducing the number of clicks required to access key features. Implement breadcrumbs, dropdown menus, and clear call-to-action buttons to guide users efficiently through the application.

Intuitive labelling and information placement

Labelling and information placement play a critical role in ensuring users can quickly identify and understand application elements. Use descriptive labels for menu items, buttons, and links to minimise confusion. Place information where users naturally expect to find it, aligning with established design conventions.

Approaches to information architecture revamping

Revamping the information architecture of unstructured applications involves a multi-faceted approach that considers various aspects of design, development, and user experience. Here are some key approaches to consider:

  1. User research and analysis
    Before making any changes, conduct thorough user research to understand user behaviours, pain points, and expectations. Analyse user feedback, conduct surveys, and perform usability testing to gather insights that will inform the revamped information architecture.

  2. Content audit and prioritisation
    Audit existing content and features to identify redundancies, outdated functionalities, and areas for improvement. Prioritise features based on their relevance to users and their alignment with the application's goals. Remove or restructure elements that do not contribute to a coherent user experience.

  3. Card sorting and wireframing
    Card sorting is a technique that involves users categorising and organising information into groups. This helps in understanding users' mental models and informs the creation of an intuitive navigation structure. Wireframing, on the other hand, allows you to visualise the new information architecture before implementation.

  4. Iterative prototyping
    Create iterative prototypes of the revamped information architecture to gather feedback from stakeholders and users. These prototypes can be interactive and allow users to navigate through the proposed structure. Incorporate feedback to refine the architecture further.

  5. Responsive design considerations
    In today's multi-device landscape, responsive design is essential. Ensure that the revamped information architecture adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. Prioritise mobile users by simplifying navigation and minimising the need for excessive scrolling.

Expected positive outcomes

After implementing the revamped information architecture, user feedback usually indicates a significant improvement in usability. Users report that they can navigate the application more intuitively and complete tasks more efficiently. The applications' user base saw a notable increase, and the positive word-of-mouth spread, contributing to its continued growth.


Revamping unstructured applications is a transformative journey that hinges on reimagining and reorganising their information architecture. By placing the user experience at the forefront and embracing a coherent design philosophy, developers can address the challenges posed by unstructured applications. A carefully planned and executed information architecture not only enhances usability but also lays the foundation for efficient collaboration, streamlined maintenance, and sustained user satisfaction. As the software development landscape continues to evolve, the role of information architecture in application revamping becomes increasingly vital.

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