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How To Use Laravel 9 To Add A Digital Signature To A PDF

We'll learn how to add a digital signature to a PDF document using Laravel 9 in this tutorial. Learning how to add a digital signature certificate in pdf in Laravel 8 and Laravel 9 is covered in this article. The elibyy/tcpdf-laravel package will be used.

The only PHP-based library that fully supports right-to-left languages and UTF-8 Unicode, including the bidirectional algorithm, is TCPDF, an open-source PHP library. Additionally, PHP 7 does not support TCPDF.

Let's examine Laravel 9 now. In Laravel 7/8/9, you can add a digital signature in pdf, a digital signature to the pdf file, and a digital signature certificate in pdf.

Step 1: Install Fresh Laravel 9
The following command will be used to install Laravel 9 in this phase.
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel9_digital_signature
Step 2: Install TCPDF Package
The Laravel TCPDF service provider can be installed via composer by requiring the elibyy/tcpdf-laravel package in your project's composer.json. So, run the following command in the terminal.

composer require elibyy/tcpdf-laravel
Step 3: Configure TCPDF Package
If you are using a lower version of laravel like 5.5+ then need to add providers and aliases to the config.php file.

Read Also: How To Merge Two PDF Files In Laravel 9

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