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Hitesh Jethva
Hitesh Jethva

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How to Install and Configure Linux Terminal Server with ThinLinc on Google Cloud

ThinLinc is a cross-platform and one of the best remote desktop solutions for Linux. It allows users to access Linux applications and desktops from anywhere via a web browser and GUI client. ThinLinc is based on open-source software such as TigerVNC, OpenSSH, noVNC, PulseAudio, and CUPS. It also provides GUI clients for Linux, macOS, and Windows, and it can also be accessible from a web browser. 

In this guide, we will show you how to install and configure ThinLinc remote desktop server on the Linux operating system on Google Cloud.


  • A Linux server running on Google Cloud Platform (In this tutorial, we will use Ubuntu 22.04 server)
  • A root user or a user with sudo privileges
  • An x86_64 CPU with enough RAM and disk space.
  • An OpenSSH server is installed and configured.

Getting Started

First, connect to your Ubuntu 22.04 server instance via SSH then update and upgrade all system packages with the following command.

apt update -y
apt upgrade -y
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Once all the packages are updated, restart your server to implement the changes.

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Install Ubuntu Desktop Environment

ThinLinc is designed to access the Linux desktop environment. So you will need to install any desktop environment (Gnome, XFCE, KDE, LXDE) on your server.

First, install the tasksel utility with the following command.

apt install tasksel
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Next, install the Desktop environment using the following command.

tasksel install ubuntu-desktop
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This process will take some time to finish the installation. Once the Desktop environment has been installed, restart your system to apply the changes.

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Download ThinLinc Terminal Server

First, you will need to create a user on the Ubuntu server. You can create it with the following command.

adduser james
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Next, add the created user to the sudoer group so that it can perform administrative tasks.

usermod -aG sudo james
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Visit the ThinLinc server download page and download the server package to your local system. After the successful download, you must copy the downloaded file to your Google cloud server inside the user's home directory.

Next, log in to your Ubuntu server via SSH as a james user and unzip the downloaded file.

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Install and Configure ThinLinc Terminal Server

Follow the below steps to install the ThinLinc server on the Ubuntu server.

Step 1 - First, navigate to the ThinLinc extracted directory with the following command.

cd tl-4.14.0-server
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Step 2 - Next, run the following command to start the ThinLinc server installation.

sudo ./install-server
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You will be asked to provide a user password to continue. After the successful authentication, you will see the server installation wizard.

[sudo] password for james:
Could not start GTK+. Using text mode fallback...
Welcome to the ThinLinc Server Installation Wizard
This program will help you install the ThinLinc software 
packages on your system.
Before installing, please see the Platform Specific Notes 
Press Enter to continue...
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Step 3 - Press the Enter key to continue. You will see the list of packages to be installed on your server.

Determining packages to install... done.
The following packages will be installed:
Press Enter to continue...
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Step 4 - Press the Enter key to continue. Once all the packages are installed successfully, you will be asked to configure the ThinLinc server.

Performing package installation... done.
All packages were installed successfully.
The installation of ThinLinc has completed successfully
Before using ThinLinc, you must configure it using
Run ThinLinc Setup now [Yes/no]?
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Step 5 - Type Yes and press the Enter key. You will be asked to accept the license agreement.

Could not start GTK+. Using text mode fallback...
Welcome to the ThinLinc Server Setup Wizard
This program will configure ThinLinc to run on your 
system. It will also verify that you have all required 
software installed. Before continuing, please ensure you 
have read the Platform Specific
Notes at
8.9 The Program(s) are not specifically developed or 
licensed for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit 
or medical application or in any other inherently 
dangerous applications. Neither Cendio nor its
suppliers shall be liable for any claims or damages 
arising from such use and Licensee agrees to indemnify 
and hold harmless Cendio and its suppliers from any 
claims for losses, costs, damages, or liability arising 
out of or in connection with such use of the Program(s).
Do you accept the terms of the License Agreement 
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Step 6 - Type Yes and press the Enter key. You will be asked to select the server type.

Server Type
Please select the type of ThinLinc server to configure. 
The master server is the one users will connect to. Agent 
servers are used to spread the resource load when just 
the master server is insufficent. If unsure, then pick 
Master. Server type [Master/agent]?Master
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Step 7 - Type Master and press the Enter key to check all system requirements needed to install the ThinLinc server.

System Check
Please wait, analyzing system... done.
Library and binary requirements
ThinLinc requires a few libraries and binaries to work as 
This system lacks one or more of these.
The necessary packages can be installed automatically by 
this wizard, or you can install them manually and restart 
the wizard.
Press Enter to continue...
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 8 - Press the Enter key to install all the required dependencies.

Resolving packages and dependencies... done.
The following packages will be installed:
Press Enter to continue...
Please wait, installing packages... done.
All packages and their dependencies were successfully 
Press Enter to continue...
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Step 9 - Press the Enter key. You will be asked to install all packages for network file system support.

Network File System support
The Local Drive Redirection feature requires that your 
system can act as a NFS client.
The necessary packages can be installed automatically by 
this wizard, or you can install them manually and restart 
the wizard.
Automatically install the necessary packages [Yes/no]?Yes
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Step 10 - Type Yes and press the Enter key to start installing all NFS packages. Once all of them are installed successfully, you should see the below output.

Resolving packages and dependencies... done.
The following packages will be installed:
The following dependencies will be installed/updated:
libtirpc3-1.2.5-1ubuntu0.1.amd64, keyutils-1.6- 
rpcbind-1.2.5-8.amd64, libnfsidmap2-0.25-5.1ubuntu1.amd64
Do you want to continue with installation [Yes/no]?Yes

Please wait, installing packages... done.
All packages and their dependencies were successfully 
Press Enter to continue...
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Step 11 - Press the Enter key. You will be asked to install all Python modules need for LDAP integration. After installing all the required modules, you will get the following output.

Python Dependency
The Python LDAP module is required for LDAP integration 
tools. Your system does not have this installed.
The necessary packages can be installed automatically by 
this wizard, or you can install them manually and restart 
the wizard.
Automatically install the necessary packages [Yes/no]?Yes
Resolving packages and dependencies... done.
The following packages will be installed:
The following dependencies will be installed/updated:
Do you want to continue with installation [Yes/no]?Yes
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Step 12 - Type Yes and press the Enter key. You will be asked to define an administrator email, username and password as shown below.

Administrator Contact
Please enter your e-mail address. ThinLinc will send 
administrative messages, for example license warnings, to 
this address.
Administrator email []?
Web Administration
The ThinLinc web administration is running on port 1010 
(https) on this server. To authenticate, you must have a 
valid user and password.
The default username is "admin". Please enter the desired 
password for this user, or leave unchanged to skip this 
step. Web administrator password?
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Step 13 - Provide your administrator Email, password and press the Enter key to install printer-related packages to your server. After the successful installation, you will get the following output.

ThinLinc includes special printer queues that allow users 
to use printers locally attached to their client machine, 
as well as automatically selecting the correct printer 
based on the users' location. Would you like to have 
these queues configured?
Configure location based printer queue (nearest) 
Configure client-side printer queue (thinlocal) [Yes/no]? 
Please wait, configuring printer queues... done.
The ThinLinc printer queues have been successfully 
Press Enter to continue...
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Step 14 - Press the Enter key. You will be asked to install AppArmor in your server.

This system is using the AppArmor access control system. 
A ThinLinc configuration needs to be loaded for some 
applications to operate correctly in this environment. 
Would you like to install the ThinLinc
AppArmor configuration?
Install AppArmor configuration [Yes/no]?Yes
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Step 15 - Type Yes and press the Enter key to configure and start all ThinLinc services as shown below.

Configuring Services
Configuring and starting ThinLinc services... done.
All ThinLinc services have been configured and started 
Press Enter to continue...
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Step 16 - Press the Enter key to complete the ThinLinc installation. You should see the following output.

ThinLinc has been setup
The ThinLinc Web Administration is available at
https://localhost:1010, and the configuration files are 
located in /opt/thinlinc/etc/conf.d/. Icons for the 
ThinLinc Web Access, ThinLinc Web Administration and 
ThinLinc Setup have been added to the menu.
Visit for 
information on how to contact us.
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Verify ThinLinc Services

At this point, the ThinLinc server is installed and configured on the Ubuntu server. Now, you will need to verify whether all ThinLinc services are running or not.
First, verify the vsmserver service using the following command.

sudo systemctl status vsmserver
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You should see the service status in the following output.

● vsmserver.service - ThinLinc VSM server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/vsmserver.service; 
enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-03-25 04:48:25 
UTC; 1min 11s ago
Process: 6218 ExecStart=/bin/bash --login -c 
/opt/thinlinc/sbin/vsmserver (code=exited, 
Main PID: 6226 (python3)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4685)
Memory: 12.9M
CGroup: /system.slice/vsmserver.service
└─6226 /opt/thinlinc/libexec/python3 
Mar 25 04:48:25 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting ThinLinc VSM 
Mar 25 04:48:25 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started ThinLinc VSM 
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To check the vsmagent service status, run the following command.

sudo systemctl status vsmagent
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You should see the following output.

● vsmagent.service - ThinLinc VSM agent
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/vsmagent.service; 
enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-03-25 04:48:25 
UTC; 1min 36s ago
Process: 6163 ExecStart=/bin/bash --login -c 
/opt/thinlinc/sbin/vsmagent (code=exited, 
Main PID: 6189 (python3)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4685)
Memory: 12.3M
CGroup: /system.slice/vsmagent.service
└─6189 /opt/thinlinc/libexec/python3 
Mar 25 04:48:24 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting ThinLinc VSM 
Mar 25 04:48:25 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started ThinLinc VSM 
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To check the ThinLinc web service status, run the following command.

sudo systemctl status tlwebaccess
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If the service is in active state, you should see the following output.

● tlwebaccess.service - ThinLinc Web Access
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tlwebaccess.service; 
enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-03-25 04:48:26 
UTC; 1min 52s ago
Process: 6230 ExecStart=/bin/bash --login -c 
/opt/thinlinc/sbin/tlwebaccess (code=exited, 
Main PID: 6239 (python3)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4685)
Memory: 13.3M
CGroup: /system.slice/tlwebaccess.service
└─6239 /opt/thinlinc/libexec/python3 
Mar 25 04:48:25 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting ThinLinc Web 
Mar 25 04:48:26 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started ThinLinc Web 
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Configure Firewall for ThinLinc Access

By default, the ThinLinc server uses the following ports:

  • 22 - SSH connection
  • 300 - Web Access
  • 9000 - ThinLinc Client Access
  • 1010 - ThinLinc control panel access

For ThinLinc remote desktop access, you need to open these three ports on your Google cloud server. You can open them via the Google cloud firewall control panel.

Access ThinLinc Via Web Browser

Open your web browser on your local system and access the Ubuntu remote desktop using the URL https://your-server-ip:300. You will be redirected to the Ubuntu desktop login screen.

Image description

Provide your Ubuntu username, password and click on the Login button. After the successful login, you should see the ThinLinc welcome screen.

Image description

Click on the OK button. You should see the Ubuntu desktop on the following screen.

Image description

Access ThinLink Via GUI Client

ThinLinc provides a graphical client for macOS, Windows and Ubuntu. Using a GUI client you can get ThinLinc all features including sound-redirection and optimized performance for low-bandwidth connection. In this tutorial, we will download the ThinLinc GUI client package for Ubuntu and install it via the terminal.

First, download the ThinLinc client .deb package using the following command.

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Next, install the downloaded package using the apt command.

sudo apt install ./thinlinc-client_4.14.0-2324_amd64.deb
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Once the ThinLinc client package is installed, launch it via the Ubuntu Dash menu as shown below.

Image description

Provide your ThinLinc server IP address, username, password, and click on the Connect button. After the successful authentication, you should see the Ubuntu desktop inside the ThinLinc client windows.

Image description
You can now play around with your Ubuntu remote desktop and test its performance, sound redirection, media redirection, and other features.

Access ThinLinc Control Panel

ThinLinc also provides a web-based control panel to manage all user's sessions, profiles, and other settings. You can access it using the URL https://your-server-ip:1010 via a web browser. You should see the ThinLinc login screen.

Image description

Provide the default username as admin, your admin password which you have set during the installation then click on the Sign in button. After the successful login, you should see the ThinLinc control panel on the following screen.

Image description


In this guide, you learned how to install and configure the ThinLinc server on a Linux server running on a Google cloud. You also learned how to connect ThinLinc remote desktop via web browser and GUI client. I hope you can now easily implement the ThinLinc server on Linux.

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