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Hitesh Jethva
Hitesh Jethva

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What is a Squeeze Page? Definition, Types and Usage

What is Squeeze Page?

A squeeze page is a landing page. It is in place to capture visitors’ email addresses. Herein the visitors could be potential leads, or the emails may be captured for some alternate organizational objective, such as webinar registration.

Characteristically, the email field will have only a few additional fields, such as full name. Since a squeeze page will capture only limited visitor information, i.e. the customer name and email address, it is best used when a visitor’s email is all that one requires for meeting the organizational objectives.

Let us take a look at a few characteristics common for squeeze pages

  • Squeeze pages include a headline which clearly specifies the benefits that the website will provide
  • Supporting text which furnishes sufficient information to facilitate decision making for a viewer
  • The squeeze page has one or two fields. The CTA will be in the format of an embedded form, and the customer can input his email address and name over here. The name field too is optional in case of several squeeze pages.

Let us consider a case wherein a squeeze page effectively meets an organization’s business requirements. When a SaaS business intends to get some online leads, they would require only the customer email. This will act as the starting point for lead nurturing, which will come in the format of updates, product signups, and newsletters. This is an ideal situation for creating and using a squeeze page.

Types of squeeze pages

Squeeze pages are broadly classified into two types:

Landing page

The landing page forms a single page over your website, and its sole purpose is email conversion. Landing pages are frequently followed by thank-you pages. The user session either ends here or is redirected towards other resources on a website.

Pop-up page

The popup page is in place as an email capture overlay on an existing page. Its sole goal is email conversion.

When a user closes the popup or enters his email and taps on submit, he returns to the normal page experience. Popups typically have fewer fields as compared to a landing page designed to capture information. The squeeze model hence makes an ideal format for pop-up pages, as it is least effort consuming and least intrusive.

Choosing amongst squeeze landing page and squeeze popup page:
When a squeeze page is implemented well, it can significantly boost the conversion rate. Visitors are less likely to mind entering their contact information in a squeeze page since the number of fields is only one or two.

Numerous businesses hence choose to go ahead with squeeze pages for capturing visitors’ email addresses. This acts as the starting point for their lead nurture campaigns.

Let us take a look at the 3 key properties of a squeeze page:

Either a single page or a popup

A squeeze page does not redirect to other pages, while a conversion action does not take place, or the user doesn’t close the popup.

Squeeze page captures only the email

Squeeze pages have just one input field, for capturing a visitor’s email.

Facilitating email conversion is the sole goal of a squeeze page

Squeeze pages are intended to capture visitors’ emails at a fast conversion rate.

Let us take a look at the top advantages that come with the use of squeeze pages:

Making squeeze pages is relatively easier

Squeeze pages are not just easier to create. They can also be made into templates with a relative degree of ease because they have a limited text space.

Loading times are low

As resulting from minimal design and text, squeeze pages are fast loading. As per a Google survey conducted in 2018, 46% of people reported that page speed comes by as the most significant issue pertaining to the web browsing experience. Slow loading times are hence also the most frequent cause of page exits.

Helps with the promotion of new services and products

Squeeze pages are cutting edge software. It brings about a transformation in the ways people perceive your products and how the users interact with the software.

When you create a dedicated squeeze page for a technology, tool, or feature, it adds value to your products and your customers alike. Over 89% of B2B customers prefer to go with the services of vendors who share compelling business cases and clear ROIs. By capturing a visitor’s email address, one can share more information with him in the form of newsletters.

Final words

Squeeze pages are simpler to create and implement as compared to the remainder of website development. But to make sure that your squeeze page delivers rich outcomes for your business, some precautions should be kept in mind. Following some best practices for creating squeeze pages ensures high conversion rates, and delivers value to your product and organization.

A single CTA delivers the best outcomes for squeeze pages and lets a user be surer about what to expect. A CTA could have display text such a Book my seat, such that he can attend a webinar.

Squeeze pages deliver better performance when they display limited content, which is targeted nicely. This makes it easy for a viewer.

The design of a squeeze page too should be carefully decided upon. Heavy graphics may not always work, but the email input field should be high on legibility.

A developer should try and ensure that he does not use dynamic layouts for creating a squeeze page. This may make the key message blurred.

Similarly, when a business provides its services at a price, keeping the pricing competitive and based on market standards ensures high performance for the squeeze page, which meets its objectives with a greater degree of ease.

When creating a squeeze page, a developer should try and ensure that the page length is short, and a viewer does not have to scroll much before reaching the CTA. The key goal of a squeeze page is making conversions. If a user is required to scroll excessively and spend time absorbing information, it may increase bounce rates.

Using these best practices should help to understand how to create a squeeze page for your requirements.

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