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Hiroaki Nakamura
Hiroaki Nakamura

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Experimenting timeout and cancellation with Zig async/await and tigerbeetle-io

After reading Proposal: Event loop redesign · Issue #8224 · ziglang/zig, I'm really interested in the TigerBeetle IO event loop.

Its API is designed for Linux io_uring first and it also has a wrapper for kqueue on macOS in the same API. I suppose other APIs can be wrapped in the same way as kqueue in the future.

I wrote some examples to become familiar to its API at

Hello world example

Here is a "Hello world" example which prints "Hello world" to the standard output.


const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const net =;
const os = std.os;
const IO = @import("tigerbeetle-io").IO;

pub fn main() anyerror!void {
    try struct {
        const Context = @This();

        io: IO,
        done: bool = false,
        fd: os.fd_t,

        write_buf: []const u8 = "Hello world\n",

        written: usize = 0,

        fn hello() !void {
            var self: Context = .{
                .io = try IO.init(32, 0),
                .fd =,

            var completion: IO.Completion = undefined;

            while (!self.done) try;

        fn writeCallback(
            self: *Context,
            _: *IO.Completion,
            result: IO.WriteError!usize,
        ) void {
            self.written = result catch @panic("write error");
            self.done = true;
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It submits a write operation with calling and writeCallback is called when the write operation is completed.

The code for event loop is while (!self.done) try;. The loop exits after self.done is set to true in writeCallback.

Callback-based TCP echo server and client

Here is some part from the client code.

const Client = struct {
    // ...(snip)...

    pub fn run(self: *Client) !void {*Client, self, connectCallback, &self.completion, self.sock, self.address);
        while (!self.done) try;

    fn connectCallback(
        self: *Client,
        completion: *IO.Completion,
        result: IO.ConnectError!void,
    ) void {
        var fbs =;
        var w = fbs.writer();
        std.fmt.format(w, "Hello from client!\n", .{}) catch unreachable;
            if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .linux) os.MSG_NOSIGNAL else 0,
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  • First, it submits a connect operation in the run function.
  • When the connect operation is complete, connectCallback is called.
  • In connectCallback, it handles the result of the connect operation. Then it submits a recv operation.

I think this is a pain point of the callback style.
Two things, handling the result and starting the next operation is written in one callback function.

Also the code for running one logical operation of connect is split in two functions, run and connectCallback.

Maybe you can use state machines to improve this situation, but I thinks they are also hard to maintain because they are very different from sequential calls of blocking code.

async-based TCP echo server and client

Here is some part from the client code.

const Client = struct {
    // ...(snip)...

    pub fn start(self: *Client) !void {
        try connect(&, self.sock, self.address);

        var fbs =;
        var w = fbs.writer();
        std.fmt.format(w, "Hello from client!\n", .{}) catch unreachable;
        const sent = try send(&, self.sock, fbs.getWritten());
        std.debug.print("Sent:     {s}", .{self.send_buf[0..sent]});

        const received = try recv(&, self.sock, self.recv_buf);
        std.debug.print("Received: {s}", .{self.recv_buf[0..received]});

        try close(&, self.sock);
        self.done = true;

    // ...(snip)...
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The code above looks just as sequential calls of multiple blocking IO operations. I think it is nice!
You can easily follow the flow of IO operations.

Here is the code for connect function.

    const ConnectContext = IoOpContext(IO.ConnectError!void);
    fn connect(io: *IO, sock: os.socket_t, address: IO.ConnectError!void {
        var ctx: ConnectContext = undefined;
        var completion: IO.Completion = undefined;
        io.connect(*ConnectContext, &ctx, connectCallback, &completion, sock, address);
        suspend {
            ctx.frame = @frame();
        return ctx.result;
    fn connectCallback(
        ctx: *ConnectContext,
        completion: *IO.Completion,
        result: IO.ConnectError!void,
    ) void {
        ctx.result = result;
        resume ctx.frame;
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In connect, it submits a connect operation then it suspends and saves the frame.
When the connect operation is complete, connectCallback is called and it sets the result and resumes the saved frame.

Note you can put the ctx and completion as local variables in connect function in the above code.
This is fine because they are valid on the stack until connect function exits.

This implementation follows the pattern described in the statement 3. in the comment

I feel that the cross-platform abstraction for I/O pollers in the Zig standard library should follow the proactor pattern, and that all async I/O modules have completion-based APIs (callback-based). This would allow for easy C interoperability (pass a callback), and also only requires minimal boilerplate for being driven by async/await in Zig by wrapping the callback into an async frame.

async-based TCP echo server and client with delayed response and receive timeout

The server code for a delayed response is easy.
It just calls timeout before send.

const ClientHandler = struct {
    // ...(snip)...

    fn start(self: *ClientHandler, delay_nanoseconds: u63) !void {
        defer self.deinit() catch unreachable; // TODO: log error

        while (true) {
            const received = try recv(, self.sock, self.recv_buf);
            if (received == 0) {

            _ = try timeout(, delay_nanoseconds);
            _ = try send(, self.sock, self.recv_buf[0..received]);

    // ...(snip)...
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In the client code for receive time, it uses a new function recvWithTimeout.

const Client = struct {
    // ...(snip)...
    pub fn start(self: *Client, recv_timeout_nanoseconds: u63) !void {
        defer {
            close(&, self.sock) catch |err| {
                std.debug.print("failed to close socket. err={s}\n", .{@errorName(err)});
            // self.done = true;

        try connect(&, self.sock, self.address);

        var fbs =;
        var w = fbs.writer();
        std.fmt.format(w, "Hello from client!\n", .{}) catch unreachable;
        const sent = try send(&, self.sock, fbs.getWritten());
        std.debug.print("Sent:     {s}", .{self.send_buf[0..sent]});

        self.recv_ctx.client = self;
        if (recvWithTimeout(&, &self.recv_ctx, self.sock, self.recv_buf, recv_timeout_nanoseconds)) |received| {
            std.debug.print("Received: {s}", .{self.recv_buf[0..received]});
        } else |err| {
            switch (err) {
                error.Canceled => std.debug.print("recv canceled.\n", .{}),
                else => std.debug.print("unexpected error from recvWithTimeout, err={s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}),
    // ...(snip)...
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Here is the implementation of recvWithTimeout.

    const RecvWithTimeoutContext = struct {
        recv_completion: IO.Completion = undefined,
        timeout_completion: IO.Completion = undefined,
        frame: anyframe = undefined,
        result: ?IO.RecvError!usize = null,
        cancel_recv_completion: IO.Completion = undefined,
        cancel_timeout_completion: IO.Completion = undefined,
        client: *Client = null,
    fn recvWithTimeout(io: *IO, ctx: *RecvWithTimeoutContext, sock: os.socket_t, buffer: []u8, timeout_nanoseconds: u63) IO.RecvError!usize {
            if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .linux) os.MSG_NOSIGNAL else 0,
        std.debug.print("submitted recv and timeout.\n", .{});
        suspend {
            ctx.frame = @frame();
        return ctx.result.?;
    fn recvWithTimeoutRecvCallback(
        ctx: *RecvWithTimeoutContext,
        completion: *IO.Completion,
        result: IO.RecvError!usize,
    ) void {
        if (ctx.result) |_| {} else {
            ctx.result = result;
            std.debug.print("resume frame after recv.\n", .{});
            resume ctx.frame;
    fn recvWithTimeoutTimeoutCallback(
        ctx: *RecvWithTimeoutContext,
        completion: *IO.Completion,
        result: IO.TimeoutError!void,
    ) void {
        if (ctx.result) |_| {} else {
            ctx.result = error.Canceled;
            std.debug.print("resume frame after timeout.\n", .{});
            resume ctx.frame;
    fn recvWithTimeoutCancelRecvCallback(
        ctx: *RecvWithTimeoutContext,
        completion: *IO.Completion,
        result: IO.CancelError!void,
    ) void {
        std.debug.print("recvWithTimeoutCancelRecvCallback start\n", .{});
        ctx.client.done = true;
        if (result) |_| {} else |err| {
            switch (err) {
                error.AlreadyInProgress, error.NotFound => {
                    std.debug.print("recv op canceled, err={s}\n", .{@errorName(err)});
                else => @panic(@errorName(err)),
    fn recvWithTimeoutCancelTimeoutCallback(
        ctx: *RecvWithTimeoutContext,
        completion: *IO.Completion,
        result: IO.CancelTimeoutError!void,
    ) void {
        std.debug.print("recvWithTimeoutCancelTimeoutCallback start\n", .{});
        ctx.client.done = true;
        if (result) |_| {} else |err| {
            switch (err) {
                error.AlreadyInProgress, error.NotFound, error.Canceled => {
                    std.debug.print("timeout op canceled, err={s}\n", .{@errorName(err)});
                else => @panic(@errorName(err)),
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  • recvWithTimeout submits two IO operations, recv and timeout, and then it saves the frame.
  • If recv is complete before timeout, recvWithTimeoutRecvCallback is called first. It submits a cancel for the timeout operation, sets the result, and resumes the saved frame.
  • If timeout is complete before recv, recvWithTimeoutTimeoutCallback is called first. It submits a cancel for the recv operation, sets the result, and resumes the saved frame.
  • In the above example, it sets ctx.client.done to true in recvWithTimeoutCancelRecvCallback and recvWithTimeoutCancelTimeoutCallback to stop the event loop. In a practical application, there's nothing to do in those functions.

Note you need to pass ctx: *RecvWithTimeoutContext from outside of recvWithTimeout function. This is because when the first one of recv and timeout operation is completed, recvWithTimeout function exits and its local variables becomes invalid since the stack is overwritten by calls for other functions. The ctx must live longer than a call of recvWithTimeout function.

The code for an IO operation with a timeout is a bit long, but I think it is easy to understand. And once you wrap this as a function, its usage is fairly easy as just calling a blocking function.

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