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Hunt Navar
Hunt Navar

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The Potential End of Crypto

Over the course of the last several years, crypto fluctuated dramatically. Crypto has made many millionaires, and for many not dumping money into the block chain seems like a mistake.

With these great things being said, every winner in crypto has a loser. The market has been extremely volatile. Market predictions have been way off the mark for the past several months. Not to mention Bitcoin "the hedge against inflation" has not increased its value while inflation has dramatically risen. If Bitcoin was a true hedge then the relationship would have been the inverse rather then losing thousands of dollars in value.

With all this being said, if you are a crypto buff do not be alarmed just yet. As you might be familiar, the methodology of making money in this industry is buying the dips. So if you are confident in the market then this is the time to put your money where your mouth is and buy a ton of crypto. If crypto is really here to stay you will make vast sums of money.

However, if you are a bit of a skeptic it is a great time to observe the market. I will say crypto still has a slight chance with NFT's, but the overall problem is the value derived from crypto is equal to the amount of energy it takes to mine the specific coin. If the supply is greater than the demand then the overall price of all crypto will drop. Truthfully, with inflation rising and the price of goods increasing, what is more important to purchase: food and clothes or crypto ?

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the short talk about crypto, make an argument below saying why or why not crypto will fail. I hope you have a good day and happy engineering.

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