DEV Community

Le Huy Ho
Le Huy Ho

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Learning AWS - DVA - Day 9: ELB Advanced

ELB - Sticky Sessions

Session Affinity

  • It is possible to implement stickiness so that the same client is always redirected to the same instance behind a load balancer

  • This works for Classic Load Balancer, Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer

  • The "cookie" used for stickiness has an expiration date you control

  • Use case: make sure the user doesn't lose his session data

  • Enabling stickiness may bring imbalance to the load over the backend EC2 instances

Cookie Names

  • Application-based Cookies:

    • Custom cookie: generated by the target - don't use AWSALB, AWSALBAPP, AWSALBTG(reserved for use by ELB)
    • Applicaiton cookie: generated by the load balancer - cookie name is AWSALBAPP
  • Duration-base Cookies: generated by the load balancer. Cookie name is AWSALB (for ALB), AWSEL (for CLB)

Cross-Zone Load Balancing

  • Application Load Balancer

    • Enabled by default (can be disabled at the Target Group Level)
    • No charges for inter AZ data
  • Network Load Balancer & Gateway Load Balancer

    • Disabled by default
    • You pay charges ($) for inter AZ data if enabled
  • Classic Load Balancer

    • Disabled by default
    • No charges for inter AZ data if enabled

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