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Example Workflow
you can fork this repository first, and then create Actions Secrets and set related settings in your forked repository (click in the order of 1, 2 and 3 as shown in the figure below).
You can choose one or more of the following three push platforms to receive pushed messages:
First log into pushplus, and then find your token in pushplus website, create a actions secret with the name of PPTOKEN
and the value of your token value, and then one-to-one push the related information results.
If you need to push the related information to multiple Wechat accounts, that is, one-to-many push, you need to create a group, write down the group code…
Submission Category:
Maintainer Must-Haves
Yaml File or Link to Code
Additional Resources / Info
The Blog Post About the Project
Source Code for WeChat Message pushing
Docker File
Docker File
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