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Ryan Cartwright
Ryan Cartwright

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Building a To-do App for the cloud with Nitric


Nitric is a serverless framework for rapidly developing and deploying cloud applications. This guide shows you how to create a simple To-do list using Next.js with an API backed by Nitric functions. It also uses collections for data persistence. It was originally posted here on the Nitric site.

In the guide we'll use the following:

  • Nitric APIs, Functions and Collections
  • Next.js
  • TailwindCSS for styling our frontend
  • The cloud of your choice:
    • AWS
    • GCP
    • Azure


  • Node.js
  • Next.js
  • Nitric CLI

Start with a Next.js App

We'll start with the finished product, and follow along that way, just clone the Nitric to-do project off of GitHub.

git clone
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Install the dependencies with npm or yarn.

cd nitric-todo
yarn install
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Next, open the project in your editor of choice.

code .
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Project structure

The project is split into two main areas:

  • todo-api - This is where the Nitric API is stored
  • web - This is where your Next.js application is stored


We add some typings for our tasks and our api request/response.

// todo-api/types.ts

/* Base Types */
export interface Task {
  id: string;
  createdAt: number;
  name: string;
  complete: boolean;
  description?: string;
  dueDate?: number;

export interface TaskList {
  id: string;
  createdAt: number;
  name: string;
  tasks: Task[];

/* Task List */
export type Filters = Partial<Task>;

export type TaskListResponse = TaskList;

export type TaskListRequest = Omit<TaskList, 'id' | 'tasks'>;

export type TaskListPostRequest = Omit<TaskList, 'id' | 'complete'>;

/* Task Post */
export type TaskPostRequest = Omit<Task, 'id'>;

/* Task Update */
export type TaskPatchRequest = { completed: boolean };
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Apps built with Nitric define their resources in code, you can write this in the root of any .js or .ts file, but for organization we recommend putting them together. So let's start by defining the resources we'll need to support our API in a new resources directory.

// todo-api/resources/apis.ts

import { api } from '@nitric/sdk';

export const taskListApi = api('taskList');
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Then we also want to create our collection to store our task lists. We omit the tasks so that we can instead store them as subcollections. This will ease querying individual tasks in the future.

// todo-api/resources/collections.ts

import { collections } from '@nitric/sdk';
import { TaskList } from 'types';

type TaskCollection = Omit<TaskList, 'tasks'>;

export const taskListCol = collection<TaskCollection>('taskLists');
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Start setting up your API routes, these can remain as empty functions until we fill them in.

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts

import { taskListApi } from '../resources/apis.ts';

taskListApi.get("/:listid/:id", async (ctx) => {});      // Get task with [id]
taskListApi.get("/:listid", async (ctx) => {);           // Get task list with [id]
taskListApi.get("/", async (ctx) => {});                 // Get all task lists"/:listid", async (ctx) => {});         // Post new task for task list"/", async (ctx) => {});                // Post new task list
taskListApi.patch("/:listid/:id", async (ctx) => {});    // Update task
taskListApi.delete("/:listid", async (ctx) => {});       // Delete task list
taskListApi.delete("/:listid/:id", async (ctx) => {});   // Delete task
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We can then get our previous collection, and apply permissions to it for use within this function.

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts

import { taskListCol } from '../resources/collections.ts';

const taskLists = taskListCol.for('reading', 'writing', 'deleting');
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Now that we have the collection, we can start adding tasks and task lists. We use our collection to store our task lists, and then a subcollection on each task list to store our tasks.

We can first post a new task list using the POST / endpoint

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts'/', async (ctx) => {
  const { name, tasks } = ctx.req.json() as TaskListPostRequest;

  try {
    if (!name) {
      ctx.res.body = 'A new task list requires a name';
      ctx.res.status = 400;

    const id = uuid.generate();

    await taskLists.doc(id).set({
      createdAt: new Date().getTime(),

    // add any tasks if supplied
    if (tasks) {
      for (const task of tasks) {
        const taskId = uuid.generate();
        await taskLists
            complete: false,
            createdAt: new Date().getTime(),

    ctx.res.body = 'Successfully added task list!';
  } catch (err) {
    ctx.res.body = 'Failed to add task list';
    ctx.res.status = 400;

  return ctx;
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Using the POST /:listid we can put a new task to a task list by adding a new document to the task list subcollection.

We first receive the task list id, and then add a new task under the listid -> tasks sub collection.

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts'/:listid', async (ctx) => {
  const { listid } = ctx.req.params;
  const task = ctx.req.json() as TaskPostRequest;

  try {
    if (!listid) {
      ctx.res.body = 'A task list id is required';
      ctx.res.status = 400;

    if (!task || ! {
      ctx.res.body = 'A task with a name is required';
      ctx.res.status = 400;

    const taskId = uuid.generate();

    await taskLists
      .collection<Omit<Task, 'id'>>('tasks')
        complete: false,
        createdAt: new Date().getTime(),

    ctx.res.body = 'Successfully added task!';
  } catch (err) {
    ctx.res.body = 'Failed to add task list';
    ctx.res.status = 400;

  return ctx;
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GET / will return all the task lists and their tasks, sorting them by their created at dates.

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts

import { sortByCreatedAt } from "../common/utils";
taskListApi.get("/", async (ctx) => {
  try {
    const taskList = await taskLists.query().fetch();

    const taskListsWithTasks = await Promise.all( (doc) => {
        const { documents: tasks } = await taskLists

        return {
          tasks: tasks
            .map(({ id, content }) => ({ id, ...content }))

  } catch (err) {
    ctx.res.body = "Failed to retrieve taskList list";
    ctx.res.status = 400;

  return ctx;
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// todo-api/common/utils.ts

import { Task } from 'types';

type CreatedAtData = Pick<Task, 'createdAt'>;

export const sortByCreatedAt = (a: CreatedAtData, b: CreatedAtData) => {
  return a.createdAt < b.createdAt ? 1 : -1;
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Within GET /:listid endpoint we can get a single list, and apply filters to our query of tasks.

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts

// Get all tasks from a task list, with filters
taskListApi.get('/:listid', async (ctx) => {
  const { listid } = ctx.req.params;
  const filters = ctx.req.query as Filters;

  try {
    const taskListRef = taskLists.doc(listid);
    let query = taskListRef.collection<Task>('tasks').query();

    // Apply filters to query before executing query;
    Object.entries(filters).forEach(([k, v]) => {
      switch (k) {
        case 'complete': {
          query = query.where(k, '==', v === 'true');
        case 'dueDate': {
          query = query.where(k, '>=', v);
        default: {
          query = query.where(k, 'startsWith', v as string);

    const taskList = await taskListRef.get();
    const tasks = await query.fetch();

      tasks: tasks.documents
        .map((doc) => ({ id:, ...doc.content }))
  } catch (err) {
    ctx.res.body = 'Failed to retrieve tasks';
    ctx.res.status = 400;

  return ctx;
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Within our GET /:listid/:id endpoint we can start retrieving specific tasks from specific lists.

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts

taskListApi.get('/:listid/:id', async (ctx) => {
  const { listid, id } = ctx.req.params;

  try {
    // Get our task list with id [listId]
    const taskListRef = taskListCol.doc(listid);
    // Get all tasks from the collection with id [id]
    const task = await taskListRef.collection<Task>('tasks').doc(id).get();

  } catch (err) {
    ctx.res.body = 'Failed to retrieve tasks';
    ctx.res.status = 400;

  return ctx;
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Within the PATCH :listid/:id patch route we can write the logic to update whether a task has been completed.

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts

taskListApi.patch('/:listid/:id', async (ctx) => {
  const { listid: listId, id } = ctx.req.params;
  const { completed } = ctx.req.json() as ToggleRequest;

  try {
    const taskListRef = taskLists.doc(listId);
    const taskRef = taskListRef.collection<Task>('tasks').doc(id);
    const originalTask = await taskRef.get();

    await taskListRef
        complete: completed,

    ctx.res.body = 'Successfully updated task';
  } catch (err) {
    ctx.res.body = 'Failed to retrieve tasks';
    ctx.res.status = 400;

  return ctx;
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The delete routes DELETE /:listid/:id and DELETE /:id get the relevant document and delete them from the collection.

// todo-api/functions/tasks.ts

taskListApi.delete('/:listid/:id', async (ctx) => {
  const { listid: listId, id } = ctx.req.params;

  try {
    const taskListRef = taskLists.doc(listId);
    await taskListRef.collection('tasks').doc(id).delete();
    ctx.res.body = 'Successfully deleted task';
  } catch (err) {
    ctx.res.body = 'Failed to delete task';
    ctx.res.status = 400;

  return ctx;

taskListApi.delete('/:id', async (ctx) => {
  const { id } = ctx.req.params;

  try {
    await taskLists.doc(id).delete();
    ctx.res.body = 'Successfully deleted task list';
  } catch (err) {
    ctx.res.body = 'Failed to delete task list';
    ctx.res.status = 400;

  return ctx;
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Set up API proxy

Start by create your .env file by renaming the .env.example file:

mv web/.env.example web/.env
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Within the next.config.js you should have rewrites defined to proxy between your universal Next.js API route and your Nitric APIs. It takes the API_BASE_URL variable which is defined in the .env file.

// web/next.config.js

module.exports = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  api: {
    bodyParser: {
      bodyParser: false, // Disallow body parsing, consume as stream
  // To avoid any CORs issues use Next.js as a proxy for Nitric API
  // We are working on it :)
  async rewrites() {
    return [
        source: '/apis/:path*',
        destination: `${process.env.API_BASE_URL}/apis/:path*`, // Proxy to Backend
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Run Locally

To test out our api locally, we can do:

cd todo-api
nitric run
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We can launch the Next.js frontend with:

cd ../web
yarn dev
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Deploy the Nitric API

Setup your credentials and any other cloud specific configuration:

Run the deployment command.

Warning: Publishing services to the cloud may incur costs.

nitric stack up -s todo
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When the deployment is complete, go to the relevant cloud console and you'll be able to see and interact with your API.

When you're done, you can destroy the stack with nitric down -s todo

Deploy the Next.js App

Choose one of the following deploy buttons and make sure to update the API_BASE_URL variable during this setup process with the deployed api url.

Deploy on Vercel

Deploy with Vercel

Deploy on Netlify

*Note: The Netlify.toml file in this repository includes the configuration for you to customize the API_BASE_URL property on the initial deploy.

Deploy to Netlify

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