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Working with DynamoDB in Laravel

This article was originally written by Samson Omojola on the Honeybadger Developer Blog.

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to deliver high performance and scalability while ensuring low latency for read and write operations. DynamoDB offers seamless scalability, automatic data replication, and built-in security features, making it an excellent choice for applications with varying workloads and data access patterns. In this article, I'll show you how to integrate DynamoDB into your Laravel application and how best to work with it.

Why use DynamoDB with Laravel?

  • Flexibility and Scalability: DynamoDB's flexible schema allows you to store and retrieve data without predefined tables or fixed schemas. This flexibility aligns well with Laravel's expressive and dynamic nature, enabling you to model and store data in a way that suits your application's needs. Additionally, DynamoDB automatically scales its provisioned throughput to handle varying levels of traffic, making it suitable for applications with unpredictable workloads.

  • High Performance: DynamoDB is designed for low-latency read-and-write operations, even at scale. It achieves this by employing an SSD-backed storage system and distributing data across multiple servers for parallel processing. Laravel, with its efficient routing and caching mechanisms, complements DynamoDB's performance capabilities, allowing you to build responsive and high-performing applications.

  • Seamless Integration: Laravel provides a comprehensive ecosystem of packages and libraries, including AWS SDK for PHP. This SDK offers easy integration with DynamoDB, allowing you to leverage Laravel's familiar syntax and conventions while working with the database. By using DynamoDB with Laravel, you can harness the power of both technologies seamlessly.

  • Serverless Architecture: DynamoDB is a serverless database service, which means you don't have to worry about managing infrastructure or provisioning resources. It automatically handles tasks such as hardware provisioning, replication, and backups. When combined with Laravel's support for AWS Lambda and other serverless deployment options, you can build and deploy scalable applications without the need for traditional server management.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: DynamoDB's pricing model is based on provisioned throughput and storage usage, allowing you to optimize costs based on your application's needs. With Laravel's ability to scale horizontally, you can efficiently manage resources and control costs as your application grows.

Setting up DynamoDB in Laravel

Installing the AWS SDK for PHP

To work with DynamoDB in Laravel, you need to install the AWS SDK for PHP, which provides a set of libraries for interacting with various AWS services. You can install the SDK using a composer by running the following command in your Laravel project directory:

composer require aws/aws-sdk-php
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Configuring AWS credentials for Laravel

Before using DynamoDB, you need to configure your AWS credentials in Laravel. The AWS SDK looks for credentials in the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. You can set these variables in your .env file or directly in your server environment.

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Configuring the DynamoDB service in Laravel

To configure the DynamoDB service in your application, you need to define the connection settings in the config/database.php file. Add a new entry to the 'connections' array, specifying the driver as 'dynamodb' and providing the necessary configuration options.

'dynamodb' => [
    'driver' => 'dynamodb',
    'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
    'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
    'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'),
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Make sure to set the 'key', 'secret', and 'region' options appropriately, either directly in the configuration file or by referencing the corresponding environment variables.

Enabling DynamoDB cache (optional)

Optionally, you can enable caching for DynamoDB queries in Laravel to improve performance. Laravel provides various caching drivers, such as Redis and Memcached, which can be used in combination with DynamoDB. You can configure the cache driver in the config/cache.php file and set the 'default' option to your preferred caching driver.

'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'),
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Additionally, you can specify the DynamoDB cache store in the config/cache.php file:

'stores' => [
    'dynamodb' => [
        'driver' => 'dynamodb',
        'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
        'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
        'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'),
        'table' => 'laravel_cache',
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This configuration sets up DynamoDB as the cache store using the specified credentials and region. You can also specify a custom table name for the cache.

By following these steps, you will have successfully set up DynamoDB in your application and now be ready to create DynamoDB tables, define models, and perform CRUD operations in your application using DynamoDB as the underlying database.

Creating DynamoDB tables and models

Defining the DynamoDB table schema

When working with DynamoDB, you need to define the schema for your tables. The table schema includes the primary key, attribute definitions, and any secondary indexes you want to create. In Laravel, you can define the table schema using AWS SDK for PHP.

Generating Laravel models for DynamoDB tables

To interact with DynamoDB tables in Laravel, you can generate models that represent the tables and handle the CRUD operations. Laravel provides a convenient way to generate models using the php artisan command-line tool. You can create a new model using the following command:

php artisan make:model DynamoDB/YourModelName
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This command will generate a new model file in the app/DynamoDB directory. You can customize the model's properties and methods according to your specific requirements.

Creating migrations for DynamoDB tables

In Laravel, migrations are used to create and modify database tables. However, since DynamoDB is a NoSQL database, it doesn't have traditional migrations like SQL-based databases. Instead, you can use migrations to manage the creation and modification of DynamoDB tables.
To create a migration for a DynamoDB table, you can use the dynamodb:table command provided by the AWS SDK for PHP. This command generates a migration file that you can modify to define the necessary table schema and configuration. You can create a migration using the following command:

php artisan dynamodb:table create_your_table_name
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This command will generate a migration file in the database/migrations directory. Open the migration file and customize it according to your table's schema, attributes, and indexes. Once you have defined the migration, you can run it using Laravel's migration command:

php artisan migrate
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This will create the DynamoDB table based on your migration file.

Basic CRUD operations

Inserting data into DynamoDB

To insert data into a DynamoDB table, you can utilize the generated model's methods. Typically, this is done by creating a new instance of the model and setting the desired attributes before calling the save() method. For example:

$record = new YourModelName;
$record->attribute1 = 'Value 1';
$record->attribute2 = 'Value 2';
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The code above creates a new record in the DynamoDB table with the specified attribute values.

Retrieving data from DynamoDB

To retrieve data from a DynamoDB table, you can use various querying methods provided by Laravel's Eloquent ORM. For example, you can retrieve all records from a table using the all() method:

$records = YourModelName::all();
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You can also retrieve records based on specific conditions using methods such as where(), orWhere(), and whereIn(). These methods allow you to filter the records based on attribute values or perform more complex queries.

Updating data in DynamoDB

To update data in a DynamoDB table, you can retrieve the record using the model's querying methods and modify the desired attributes. Then, you can call the save() method to persist the changes to the database. For example:

$record = YourModelName::find($id);
$record->attribute1 = 'New Value 1';
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The above code finds the record with the specified ID and updates the value of attribute1.

Deleting data from DynamoDB

To delete data from a DynamoDB table, you can use the delete() method provided by Laravel's Eloquent ORM. You need to retrieve the record first and then call the delete() method on the model instance. For example:

$record = YourModelName::find($id);
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These operations form the foundation for interacting with your DynamoDB data and building more complex functionalities in your application.

Querying and indexing in DynamoDB

Querying data using primary keys

DynamoDB's primary key consists of the partition key and, optionally, the sort key. You can query data efficiently by specifying the exact values or a range of values for the partition and sort keys. In Laravel, you can use the model's querying methods to perform these queries. For example:

// Query using the partition key
$record = YourModelName::where('partition_key', '=', 'value')->get();

// Query using the partition and sort keys
$records = YourModelName::where('partition_key', '=', 'value')
    ->where('sort_key', '>', 'start_value')
    ->where('sort_key', '<', 'end_value')
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These queries retrieve records that match the specified partition and sort key values.

Performing conditional queries

DynamoDB allows you to perform conditional queries based on attribute values. Laravel provides methods such as where(), orWhere(), and whereIn() to specify these conditions. For example:

// Conditional query using attribute values
$records = YourModelName::where('attribute', '=', 'value')
    ->orWhere('attribute', '>', 'value')
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This query retrieves records that match the specified conditions.

Creating and using secondary indexes

DynamoDB supports secondary indexes, which enable efficient querying based on non-primary key attributes. In Laravel, you can define secondary indexes in the migration file for your DynamoDB table. Once the index is created, you can query the data using the index attributes. For example:

// Query using a secondary index
$records = YourModelName::where('index_attribute', '=', 'value')->get();
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By defining and utilizing secondary indexes, you can optimize querying based on specific attributes other than the primary key.

Performing advanced queries using DynamoDB expressions

DynamoDB expressions provide a powerful way to perform advanced queries in Laravel. Expressions allow you to use functions, operators, and conditionals to filter and manipulate data. You can use the whereRaw() method in Laravel's querying methods to include DynamoDB expressions in your queries. For example:

$records = YourModelName::whereRaw('#attr > :value', ['attr' => 'attribute', 'value' => 10])->get();
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This query uses a DynamoDB expression to retrieve records where the value of the 'attribute' attribute is greater than 10.

Using these querying and indexing techniques, you can efficiently retrieve data based on specific keys, perform conditional queries, utilize secondary indexes, and even execute advanced queries using DynamoDB expressions. These capabilities allow for flexible and optimized data retrieval in your application.


Working with DynamoDB in Laravel offers a powerful and scalable solution for storing and accessing data in your web applications. DynamoDB's flexible schema, automatic scaling, and low-latency performance make it a suitable choice for various use cases.

In this article, we explored the fundamentals of DynamoDB and why it is beneficial to use it with Laravel. We discussed basic CRUD operations and querying and indexing techniques. By harnessing the power of DynamoDB in conjunction with the Laravel framework, you can build scalable, high-performance applications that handle large datasets and provide a seamless user experience.

Thanks for reading!

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