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Aspiring Developers - What is your greatest achievement in programming?

Helitha Rupasinghe on June 22, 2022

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

I'm not burned out, and I still enjoy my job after almost 10 years!!!!

This has been hard, it's been really difficult to have a good life/work/hobby balance in my life. But I think I'm starting to figure it out now!!!!

hr21don profile image
Helitha Rupasinghe β€’

What did you start to figure out after 10 years? @nombrekeff

mkfizi profile image
mkfizi β€’

marrying a programmer with the same skillset as mine. and both of us use tabs!

clpsplug profile image
C. Plug β€’

I managed to code a relatively large-scale game all by myself. Being without my own product to show off, I was virtually nothing. Now I have one. I guess I should've done something small-scale first, but at least I have something.

hr21don profile image
Helitha Rupasinghe β€’

Where can i play the game? @clpsplug

helionics profile image
shreevatsa β€’

but i am trying hard to achieve something
:) , :D

janwagenaar profile image
jan-wagenaar β€’

Learning myself how to work with React. As a low-code developer I like to widen my horizons, so I can understand whays happening inside the "Black box"

hr21don profile image
Helitha Rupasinghe β€’

I would highly recommend you build some projects with react to fast-track your progress.

rooberto profile image
Rooberto β€’

It really is a difficult profession, someone has a hobby, but to really be a professional in this business, you need to learn a lot and practice hard. I spent 2 years figuring it out, I wanted to learn how to program applications, but it didn't work out in the end. Fortunately, I found a company that does it all on a professional level

alizulfaqar profile image
Ali Zulfaqar β€’

Telling myself to never give up no matter how hard the obstacle i am facing, accepting the fact that seeking others help is really important and helpful. Know that by asking help from others does not mean you can't do it

hr21don profile image
Helitha Rupasinghe β€’

Results dont lie. Alway's invest in yourself!

helionics profile image
shreevatsa β€’

i am still a beginner i have achieved 7th rank in discords w3s server

ninjeneer profile image
Ninjeneer β€’ β€’ Edited

Building by my own a big platform (SaaS like) with a desktop webapp and a mobile app to allow bikers to manage their bike and service book

Check out :)

hr21don profile image
Helitha Rupasinghe β€’

Nice app! πŸ€“

smithlinda15 profile image
smithlinda15 β€’

Your writing is so detailed! It's great to be here to meet new friends and learn new interesting things from you guys. basketball stars

hr21don profile image
Helitha Rupasinghe β€’

What's the name of your business? @natescode

babak_painex_72157a69bd5b profile image
Babak Painex β€’

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babak_painex_72157a69bd5b profile image
Babak Painex β€’

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