DEV Community

Harsh Agarwal
Harsh Agarwal

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Spring Boot :: Core Features

Spring Boot is just the syntactical sugar over the the Spring Framework which allow us to direclty work on the business requirement without thinking much about the infrastructure building.
It provides us the ability to do more with less.
It provides us a ton of features some of them are mentioned below.

  1. AutoConfiguration of Spring Beans.
  2. Standalone application development without the need of a webserver.
  3. Provides the default configurations to streamline the setups.
  4. Supports embeded servers like Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow.
  5. Easy Microservices architecture with Spring Cloud Integration.
  6. Spring Initializr tool to bootstarp new Spring Boot Project quickly.
  7. Command Line Interface for quick development and testing the applications.
  8. Spring Dev Tools
  9. Spring Security

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