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Hughes Systique
Hughes Systique

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Things you need to know about Cloud-Native Applications

The phrase ‘cloud computing’ is getting popular day by day. Cloud computing, in a nutshell, helps companies develop applications, store data, and access information from remote locations, freeing them from the constraints of an in-house IT infrastructure.

With the help of cloud computing, the workforce can access their business operations from their laptops and smartphones by logging into the cloud portal. Perhaps, as cloud computing systems are evolving day by day, a new concept of cloud-native applications is also taking birth. The sole purpose of cloud-native applications is to provide portability, flexibility, and greater scalability to businesses.

What is a Cloud-Native Application?

A cloud-native application is a set of programs created and designed on the cloud. These applications are hosted and run on the cloud itself so that respective people can access them from anywhere and at any point in time. To simplify, think of cloud-native applications as an advanced robot that is built on the internet and is highly adaptive. This robot helps you complete your various work while keeping your data safe and secure.
These cloud-based applications are highly scalable and are developed using technology based on the internet. These applications focus on serverless computing that helps enable speedy and unstoppable software delivery.

Importance of Cloud-Native Application

*Competitive Advantage *
With the assistance of cloud-native applications, companies can now shift their focus from cutting IT costs to overseeing the cloud as a growth booster. In the current scenario, companies that can deliver solutions quickly and meet the customers’ needs first are more likely to achieve long-term success.

*Focus on Resilience *
With the adaptation of cloud-native applications, IT companies can now focus on constructing resilient systems instead of how to fix the failures. Thanks to the cloud computing landscape, architects and developers can design the kind of systems that stay online regardless of any hiccups in the native environment.

*Flexible *
Cloud-native application development allows enterprises to build applications that have the flexibility to run apps on any public or private cloud without any extensive modifications.

Various Modules of Cloud-Native Applications

The cloud-native applications rely on containers. Containers provide an isolated space for these cloud-based applications to run while ensuring that the application can run on any cloud platform. In other words, containers are light, fast, and highly scalable, which helps in handling large amounts of scalability without compromising on the performance part. These containers are more efficient than standard virtual machines.

*Microservices *
Microservices break down the whole application into a series of independent services, benefiting the application by making it highly scalable. By building cloud-native applications on microservices, each service can continue functioning even if others fail. This helps the developers to maintain or update a particular service without affecting the whole application.

Serverless Computing
Serverless computing allows the developers to focus on writing codes rather than managing servers. This makes the management of applications seamless and helps in enhancing the overall productivity of the team. Moreover, serverless computing is highly cost-effective as the organization only pays for the computing resources.


Cloud-native application development is done by organizations that have a vision of looking forward to the future. These applications are built on the cloud itself, which is highly scalable, provides great flexibility, and enhances the productivity of the enterprise.

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