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Discussion on: Tips for Programming with a low end PC.

huncyrus profile image

You can have a bunch of other editor, such as: any text editor (vi,vim, nano, notepad++...). With some trick you could have a proper IDE also (emacs if you willing to spend a month with just pure plugin/makro write).
Also, for development - if your work does not contain graphical/design/video things, then totally a good option to switch for a lightweight linux. It will suxx, for sure.

But one thing, what you really have to learn. Patient. Many times I used very old machines, but my tasks required high performance, so in exchange, I just sittin' on a chair, readin' a book while the machine loading or do anything.


I do remember, when I was student around 2000, I was so happy, when I was able to switch from a very old 286 (with math co proc) to a used p2@300 mhz machine , while everyone else played on tualatin or had athlon+ already. And I was fairly glad, because finally I was able to run borland delphi and compile my stuff at home, not just writing blindly, bringing in into school and compile it.