Hi there! Thanks for listening, and I hope you'll subscribe to follow along! Links at the bottom, but if you do nothing else, would you consider subscribing to my YouTube channel where I share spreadsheet and coding tutorials? 😉 I'm hoping to grow this to 1000 subscribers this year!
Episode Overview:
Welcome to 2023! A quick recap since we last met in March of 2021. We've had our fourth child since then (hence the long show hiatus), and I've zeroed in on content creation and teaching outlets for the new year.
The show will be one of three primary sources of content for my weekly cadence. YouTube videos and technical articles will accompany the podcast, and I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can begin to follow along visually.
As of today I have 78 subscribers to the YouTube channel. This is my primary project this year - creating spreadsheet and coding content on YouTube and growing that subscriber base to 1000. This is the first time I've put any effort into building a cohesive video brand, and I'm excited for it!
The general goal of the year is to bind these three outlets together and create 50 videos, 50 articles and 50 podcasts this year. A side-quest will also be 50 YouTube shorts even though I failed to mention that on the podcast this week.
Please, please: follow along! I am doing to give back to the online learning community. Most of what I've learned in computer programming, spreadsheeting and technology has been self-taught through a host of online platforms...most of which have been entirely free.
I hope that the content I create this year will help others who are on the same journey as me. I've learned a little, and I want to pay it forward.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel. This will help out a ton.
Leave comments. Receiving feedback and interacting with folks has been almost as much fun as making the videos themselves so far!
Check out my articles on freeCodeCamp and on my blog.
Come say hey over on LinkedIn. This is my business social platform of choice other than YouTube, and I'm not really active on the other big names right now.
And of course, subscribe to this podcast if you haven't already! I really appreciate it, and look forward to talking with you on the next pod!
Resources mentioned:
- 100DaysOfCode
- My 100DaysOfCode Log last year
- Find me on my site
- Read me on freeCodecamp
- Watch me on YouTube @eamonncottrell
- Follow me on Linkedin @EamonnCottrell
- Buy me a coffee on BuyMeACoffee
- Laugh at me on gitHub @sieis