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Chat with your documents using ChatGPT 🦾

Adheeban Manoharan on May 06, 2023

Ever since OpenAI announced their language model ChatGPT, it has been making headlines in the AI world on a daily basis. ChatGPT is being used as t...
assassin990123 profile image
Assassin •

I installed all dependencies followed the steps.
When I try to run, that occurs these errors.

Image description

How can I fix this error?

iamadhee profile image
Adheeban Manoharan •

Please use llama_index instead of gpt_index. gpt_index is slowly being deprecated, this error is fixed in llama_index

assassin990123 profile image
Assassin • • Edited

I updated the code and the demo.pdf is in the same directory with

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But now I had another issue.
How can I fix that?

securigy profile image
Leon •

I followed the steps you outlined, exactly, and when I run:
python3 c:\projects\ChatWithTheDoc\

I am getting:
ImportError: cannot import name 'BaseLanguageModel' from 'langchain.schema' (C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\site-packages\langchain\

Can you please explain why it does not work?

iamadhee profile image
Adheeban Manoharan •

Hi @securigy, can you please try upgrading your version of langchain. Try pip3 install -U langchain

securigy profile image
Leon •

I just did and got at the end:
Successfully installed langchain-0.0.178

However, when trying to run again, I am still getting this:

*ImportError: cannot import name 'BaseLanguageModel' from 'langchain.schema' (C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\site-packages\langchain\

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iamadhee profile image
Adheeban Manoharan •

Bump your version of llama_index as well. Uninstall gpt_index and use llama_index alone

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securigy profile image
Leon •

I did:
pip uninstall gpt_index
pip install --upgrade llama_index
and then:
python3 c:\projects\ChatWithTheDoc\
and got this:

C:\Windows\System32>python3 c:\projects\ChatWithTheDoc\
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\projects\ChatWithTheDoc\", line 1, in
from gpt_index import download_loader, SimpleDirectoryReader, GPTSimpleVectorIndex, LLMPredictor, PromptHelper
ImportError: cannot import name 'download_loader' from 'gpt_index' (unknown location)

venkatramesh6 profile image
Venkat Ramesh •


assassin990123 profile image
Assassin •

Help me!!!

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dariob profile image
Dario Barilà •

thanks! Waiting for the next one!

iamadhee profile image
Adheeban Manoharan • • Edited

Hi, Thanks for your kind comment. The next one is up. Please give it a read here and share your thoughts.