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Odumosu Matthew
Odumosu Matthew

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Page Redirection in JavaScript

Redirecting users from one page to another is a common task in web development. Whether you're using jQueryor pure JavaScript, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to seamlessly navigate users to their intended destinations. Let's explore both approaches with practical code examples.

Using jQuery for Page Redirection:

jQuery provides a simple method for redirecting users using the window.location property:

Using Pure JavaScript for Page Redirection:

In pure JavaScript, you can achieve page redirection in a similar way:

Delayed Redirection:

If you want to add a delay before redirecting, you can use the setTimeoutfunction:


Passing Query Parameters:

You can also pass query parameters during redirection:


Best Practices:

Graceful Degradation: While JavaScriptredirection is useful, ensure your website works even if JavaScriptis disabled in the browser.

Use Semantic URLs: Use meaningful URLs for better user experience and SEO.


Whether you're using jQueryor pure JavaScript, page redirection is a fundamental skill for guiding users through your web application. By following the examples and best practices in this guide, you'll be able to implement smooth and effective page redirection in your projects.

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Credit: Graphics sourced from JavaScript Redirect to Relative URL

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