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Rajshish Singh ♔
Rajshish Singh ♔

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Dragon-Eye npm package

A simple npm package for eye icon like you can use it as password show hide etc , there is two component Eye and EyeOff that takes three params width height and colour ,thats make my package unique because you can costomize size even colour ;

Password visibility toggle with the Eye and EyeOff components. Customizable size and color for a personalized user experience.

npm install dragon-eyeDescription
A simple npm package for eye icon like you can use it as password show hide etc , there is two component Eye and EyeOff that takes three params width height and colour ,thats make my package unique because you can costomize size even colour ;

Password visibility toggle with the Eye and EyeOff components. Customizable size and color for a personalized user experience.

npm install dragon-eye

import {Eye , EyeOff } from "dragon-eye";

import {Eye , EyeOff} from 'dragon-eye'

#use component

<Eye width="20px" height="20px" colour="Hex , rgb "/>

<EyeOff width="20px" height="20px" colour="Hex , rgb "/>

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