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Cover image for 10 useful React Native libraries for building mobile applications
Ibrahim Memon
Ibrahim Memon

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10 useful React Native libraries for building mobile applications

All libraries mentioned in this post are free and open-source.

1. React Native Bottom Sheet
A bottom slider or bottom sheet is a very common element in modern mobile applications. Our application is no exception, and we opted for using Mo Gorhom’s library for this. It’s flexible, has multiple customizations, and worked very well on both iOS and Android.

2. Notifee
Notifications are a very common requirement for modern mobile applications. Our application needs both push notifications for which we used Invertase’s React Native Firebase library

3. React Native Firebase
As I mentioned above our application has specific requirements for being able to receive push notifications, both regular and silent/background.

4. date-fns
Manipulating dates, formatting dates in different locales, and converting string literals to dates and vice versa are common tasks when working with date/time in JavaScript.

5. React Native Biometrics
React native biometrics is a simple bridge to native iOS and Android keystore management. It allows you to create public-private key pairs that are stored in native keystores and protected by biometric authentication.

6. React Native Confirmation Code Field
Often in mobile applications users are required to register/create an account and part of the process requires them to enter a confirmation code, such as illustrated below:

7. React Native Config
Lugg’s React Native Config library exposes config variables to your JavaScript code in React Native, supporting iOS, Android, and Windows.

8. React Native Elements
One of the main visual elements of our application are cards. We did some research and settled for the cross-platform UI Toolkit from React Native Elements.

9. React Native Toast Message
Toast messages are one of the most common visual elements in a mobile application.

10. React Native Local Authentication
Any modern mobile application must take advantage of the phone’s security features, more specifically biometrics (Face ID, Touch ID, or Android biometrics), to authenticate the users locally without the need for a server roundtrip.

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