Overview of My Submission
A Guess Who game implemented in Java on the backend, vanilla JavaScript on the frontend, and backed by Azure Cognitive Services—specifically the Face API is used by computer player to "see" and detect game character attributes and the Speech API is used for game play communication between computer and human player.
Here's a very high-level overview of the system.
Submission Category:
Java Jackpot - the backend is running a Java Quarkus application deployed to Azure App Service.
Link to Code on GitHub
A Guess Who game using Azure AI Cognitive Services for the DEV Azure Trial hackathon
AI Guess Who
A Guess Who game implemented in Java on the backend, vanilla JavaScript on the frontend, and backed by Azure Cognitive Services—specifically the Face API is used by computer player to "see" and detect game character attributes and the Speech API is used for game play communication between computer and human player.
Additional Resources / Info
[Note:] # Screenshots/demo videos are encouraged!
Demo of game: https://guesswho-app.azurewebsites.net/
Unfortunately it's only about 80% there, but I wanted to share what I was able to accomplish. I learned a lot—it's my first time using Azure Cognitive services and I was amaze by what you can do in little time. Thanks to Dev for hosting the hackathon.
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