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Most Common Blogging Mistakes of Beginner Bloggers

Ilona Codes on September 21, 2019

I love blogging! Since 2017 I am in this game, trying to learn how to produce the best and valuable content for my readers. Blogging is a medium...
davidmm1707 profile image
David MMπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» β€’

I used to do most of the things listed there and I'm glad that no longer I do them.

When I have an idea, I'll write it down on a Google Docs file, so no matter if I'm at my job, home or walking, I'll not forget that idea. In fact, I have more than 50 ideas to write about, so that is no longer a problem πŸ˜ƒ

My problem was not being consistent. I used to write when I feel like it and I wrote a lot. Until I didn't and I haven't for months. 2 months ago I re-took it and now I write 1 non-technical post and 2 technical posts every week.

I have set 3 days on the week to write and that's it. Not when I feel like it or when I'm bored.

Now my blog went from 3-7 readers a day to 50-70 a day and I'm starting to get a few readers from Search engines.

So yes, consistency is a good thing. Even if you publish your post and check after an hour just to see that post has 0 views.

You only need time.

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes β€’

Thank you so much for your message! This is very informative and helps a bunch πŸ‘
Wishing you continued success! ❀️

chrisrhymes profile image
C.S. Rhymes β€’

I’ve started writing a lot of posts without planning and decide half way through that I’m just rambling and not really making any sense. I would suggest writing sub headings before writing the content to help steer the direction of your post and keep it on track.

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes β€’

+1 πŸ‘

albertomontalesi profile image
AlbertoM β€’

For me the struggle is to keep consistent, I've been blogging on and off for a year but never too consistently. I always get dragged into doing other things. For example a few days ago I had an idea for a webapp and now I'm working on that so I put writing articles aside.

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes β€’

Thanks for stopping by Alberto! That is definitely a real struggle πŸ˜…Don’t stress – just have fun with it. Well best of luck with your web app!

peledzohar profile image
Zohar Peled β€’

Thanks for your post! Actually, I've just started my own blog this month, after toying with the idea for over a decade. Two of the point you made here was one of the major reasons it took so long to begin - to unreal expectations and the marathon. I got over the first, hopefully I'll be able to get over last. Only time will tell...

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes β€’

Thanks for the comment!
Consistency is key, so don’t give up and you will get there.
Best of luck with your blog Zohar!

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham β€’

A great set of thoughts and tips, many of the things you mention I learned the hard way over time. Whilst painful lessons to learn, I'm glad that I did.

Every time I blog something, I feel I get a little bit better. But the one resounding tip that stands out above all-overs is to constantly write things down as they come to you.

For me, most ideas come just as my head is about to hit the pillow for the night, I think this is because that's when my brain is at it's most free from the days activities and demands, so I suggest either keeping a device to capture audio notes quickly or a pad and pen next to the bed.

I try to keep at least 40 things on a list all the time so I'm never short of things to work on when the creative spark hits.

pandiyan90 profile image
Alexpandiyan Chokkan β€’

I have written a tech blog about 3 months back. I am trying to complete the second one for the past months. I know I'm not very good at English which stops me further. I would like to improve...

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes β€’

No worries! Practice makes perfect πŸ™‚

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao β€’

Hmm for me I do my best to be consistent with my release of my blog post.

Just some time I'm swarm with work that I will take a week break from it a few times when I'm swarm with work

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes β€’

Thanks Max! So do I from time to time.

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes β€’

Thank you for your words! I appreciate it ^

cyberpriest profile image
cyberpriest β€’

Pls can you kindly recommend a niche pls that is kinda interesting and acceptable on the public plsss