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What I learned from loosing Github Streak?

New Year's resolution

In the form of a New Year's resolution I posted
Post by @imasharc_ on X
I treated it as a pledge of some sort, but also I thought it would be easy. After all, it only requires consistency (which is often the hard part actually). There is always something to git push right?

The hard part

During the first month it was actually easy because even if I didn't have a new feature to be committed, I found a way to either refactor or document my existing projects better.

The true crisis came in February when instead of introducing meaningful commits to my projects, I focused too much on keeping the streak. It resulted in meaningless commits to READMEs. It should have been the sign to re-evaluate the reason behind doing this "pledge".

Take away lesson

My take-away lesson is that I should focus more on quality rather than quantity. Ideally, it should be high quantity of high quality commits.

The quality of the commit should be the driving factor for using version control system

That being said I will think twice before committing and I will make sure that the commit actually brings value to the project.

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