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Rishav Sinha
Rishav Sinha

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Dockerfile Teardown

So your app is ready, and now you want to containerize it using docker.If yes,then read on.

Docker file is a file which contains all commands that are required to generate an image.

Simple Docker file

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Creating a Docker file.

In your project directory create a new file with the exact name Dockerfile.

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Inside this file only we will have all the commands listed.Lets see what are those commands.


FROM <image>:<tag>
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Dockerfile must start with FROM. This basically sets the base image.

# Example
FROM node:13-alpine
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Instructed to get the base image of node with version 13.


LABEL <key><value> <key2><value2>
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Used to set metadata for the image.It is a key-value pair

# Example
LABEL companyname="xyz organization"
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Sets companyname label.You can access it using docker inspect

3. RUN

RUN <command>
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Executes command inside the new image and commits the results.

# Example
RUN mkdir -p /home/app
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This will create a new directory inside the image

3. CMD

CMD [<command>,<command>]
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The first commands to be executed after container is created.

# Example
CMD ["npm", "start"]
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This will execute npm start when container is created.


EXPOSE <port>
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Informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports.This information is used to interconnect containers using links and to set up port redirection on the host system

# Example
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This will expose port inside the container as well as for host machine.

5. ENV

ENV <key><value>
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Sets environment variables to the value .This is passed to all RUN , CMD instructions

# Example
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Here MONGO_DB_USERNAME env is set to admin


COPY <source> <destination>
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Copies files from source i.e the host into image.All new files & directories are created with mode 0755.

# Example
COPY ./package.json /home/app
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Here package.json file is being copied from current directory to /home/app in image.

7. ADD

ADD <source> <destination>
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Same as copy but some slight change.

  • The ADD instruction can copy and extract TAR files from the Docker host to the Docker image.
# Example
ADD unzipthis.tar /home/app
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This will extract files inside the image to the specified directory.


VOLUME <path> 
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Used for persistence inside docker images.This instruction can create a directory inside the docker image, which can later be mounted to a directory

# Example
VOLUME /data 
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WORKDIR <path> 
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Instruction specifies what the working directory should be inside the Docker image

# Example
WORKDIR /home/app
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This will the directory where the RUN or other instruction will be executed.

Now try Reading this dockerfile again

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Hope this will make writing Dockerfile easier for you.

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