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Discussion on: Which day of the week do you get your best coding work done?

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ImTheDeveloper • Edited

I did some work for a business which actually had impressive data on not just their own but a few 100 other businesses across industries to measure "output". This may have been simply widgets produced (manual), to cases worked (e.g. request for pension payouts), to lines of code written (based on end of day commits through a period) through to sales ads approved etc. Super broad...

Regardless the data always showed Tuesday as the most "productive" followed by a Wednesday, approx 10-15% loss of output. Then Thursday and Monday was quite interchangeable dependent on the industry. Friday categorically dire.

There were lots of ideas as to the reasons and some are actually quite simple. If you map over the top the resources available, you generally see Mondays are a good long weekend or an easy sick day. Fridays are typically the half day, half pay and long weekend candidates also. The workforce that is available on a Monday typically talk about their weekends, get up to speed with their tasks for the week and when they hit Tuesday they've got themselves set up.

By Wednesday you're now losing productivity typically due to the output of a Tuesday surfacing issues / problems / meetings etc. Most businesses tend to schedule "events" on a Wednesday e.g. training, awareness (h&s) etc so you lose hours. "Mid week check in" as well as weekly reporting up through the business also becomes a drag.