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Lydia Ingabire
Lydia Ingabire

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Everywhere in the world, you will hear people pronouncing the word "mindset". Let us take a few minutes to talk about mindset and you will find it interesting.

What is Mindset?
.Our mindset is our mental attitude that has taken shape, based on our life experiences, background, our environment, our education and the ideas and beliefs we have.
.Is how you view capability and intelligence.

What is a Growth mindset?
It is the belief that you are in control of your ability, and can learn and improve. Yes, hard work, effort, and persistence are all important, but not as important as having that underlying belief that you are in control of your own choices.
here are the examples of a growth mindset:
.Anyone can be good at anything
.Skills comes only from practice
.Practice makes perfect etc.

A person with growth mindset will not give up easily when he/she fails instead will try all her/his best to continue learning to be good in what she/he wants. That is very different with a person with a fixed mindset you will hear them saying for example:
.She's a natural-born singer
.I'm just not good at reading etc..

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How do you develop a growth mindset like how I did recently?
.Acknowledge and embrace imperfections:
Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them, to acknowledge them will help to improve.

.View challenges as an opportunity:
Having a growth mindset means appreciating opportunities for self-improvement.

.Replace the word "failing" with the word "learning":
When you make a mistake or fall short of a goal, you haven’t failed; you’ve learned.

.Celebrate growth with Others:
If you truly appreciate growth, you’ll want to share your progress with others.

.Take ownership over your attitude:
Once you develop a growth mindset, own it. Acknowledge yourself as someone who possesses a growth mentality and be proud to let it guide you throughout your career.

Recently I demonstrated a growth mindset by applying again in the Andela Stackup Program, it was not easy to apply again after failing more than 3times. I remember when I started learning programming I was convinced that it will not be an easy journey because I had to start from zero coding skills I knew it will require a lot of effort and hard work.

I did my best to learn software programming, attending pieces of training which were prepared by Andela, reading books, taking online courses.. i tried many things to be a confident programmer. When I failed for the first time in the Bootcamp it did not hurt me so much because I attended just to test myself if at least i am learning something. When I failed for the second time it hurt me but not that much I felt bad, yes but I took it as an experience and learning.

When I failed for the third time I started to see that things will not be like how I was thinking it will be and it hurt me so much and I thought that maybe am in a wrong path, I used to work in hospitality when I started learning to program i resigned intentionally so that I can be focused but when I failed 3rd time i felt like going back and just stop.

That is when the growth mindset came in I had to think again why I started learning to program and I found out that I am very passionate because you can't just wake up taking such a big decision there might be reasons behind. I replaced the word "failing" with "learning" and it worked, I looked back when I was just starting with zero skills and then was like even if I failed but I learned a lot, so I decided to keep my head up and to focus on learning not passing just to join Andela because at the end of the day what you want is skills you can work anywhere if you are skilled.

I want anyone who will read this blog post to develop this mindset you will not delay to start seeing improvements in how you view life and challenges and your decision making will be different.

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