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Marketing for Developers: The Unconventional Guide

Ivan Novak on August 24, 2023

You've built an amazing new product. The code is elegant, the interface intuitive. You launch it with pride! But then...tumbleweeds. Crickets. Whe...
cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Good post. Nice comprehensive coverage.

inovak profile image
Ivan Novak


sivaneshs profile image
Sivanesh Shanmugam

Thanks for writing in this topic. Might help me a lot in future

inovak profile image
Ivan Novak

Happy to do it Siv!

gregoryvicent profile image
Gregory Vicent

Wow, excellent post!!!!!!

mikec711g profile image
Michael Casile

Very topical as we are looking to launch our first. Great information and we will be pouring thru it more detail as we move forward

fleszar profile image

Helpful 👌

inovak profile image
Ivan Novak

My pleasure!

mvkirk profile image
Mael Vincent

Thank you. That's a lot of interesting points we often forget or don't see.

efpage profile image

As developers, we excel at building products but often neglect marketing them. Let's change that!

But what can we do, if our project is simply ahead of its time?

Douglas C. Engelbart invented the computer mouse in 1963, but he never earned money with the patents. Steve Jobs got the license from Xerox for 1000$, and he succeeded, because he had the graphical operation system and he managed to produce a mouse for about 25$. Possibly Engelbart would have failed, even if he had waitet for 20 years. So, I assume, there is much more to being successful...

jonathan_sawerjjinvito profile image
Jonathan Sawer (JJInvito)

awesome, a practical guide—marketing feels like a foreign language for developers, and this is more approachable.

At Brenton Way, we dealt with the opposite conundrum which is developing a marketing product and separating ourselves as marketers and putting the technology first.

Then, marketing it which we realized was totally different than if we started the traditional way we market brands in general.

hasanelsherbiny profile image
Hasan Elsherbiny

👏👏 this is awesome