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To generate an iOS distribution certificate on a Windows operating system

Create an ios distribution certificate on a Windows computer

Create a iOS distribution certificate

1, open the Appuploader, select Certification(.p12)

2, click + ADD type will appear a variety of certificate options, according to their own needs to create a certificate type selection.

3, in order to App Store and Ad Hoc certificate, for example

name(Free setting),

mailbox(Free setting)

password (The password of the certificate can be set to 123, not the developer account password.)

Isentifier(No choice by default)

4, click p12 File, save the certificate file to the computer.(.p12)

Two, create iOS release description file

1, open the Appuploader, select Profiles (.mobileprovision)

2, click + ADD, according to the need to select the configuration file type

3, with the release of the description file, for example, before the choice of the developer center to create APP IDs, tick selected, enter the name, click OK to create.

4, click on the download, save to the computer (.mobileprovision)

now issued a certificate, the release of the description file are available, you can go pack ipa.

Application Loader

If you’ve designed an App using PhoneGap or any other app builder, and need to upload it to the Apple iOS App Store, then you need a Mac to use the Application Loader.

If you don’t have a Mac, You can use the Appuploader tool, he can help you create iOS certificates and upload IPA to App Store in Windows PC.

Have a look at their website

Free trial

I’ve had no problems with them in the past, and my apps have been successfully upload :).

Create iOS Enterprise Certificate

IOS Enterprise certificate can be shelves App Store installed to the phone to use

Need a Enterprise account to apply

Create an iOS certificate first apply for an APP ID card, apply for iOS certificate file. Mobileprovision need to choose, as well as in itunesconnect. New app also need.

appids Apply for a tutorial

一、 iOS Enterprise certificate application(.p12)

IOS certificate application here to use a tool Appuploader, you can quickly create. P12 and .mobileprovision iOS certificate file.

Appuploader installation tutorial

1, Login Appuploader Select Certification

2, select the iOS business release certificate, enter the certificate name, mailbox, password click ok to create

3, click P12 to download and save the certificate file

二、iOS business description file application (.mobileprovision)

1, back to the software click Profiles


2, select the iOS business release description file, select appid, associated with iOS enterprise release certificate, enter the certificate name, click ok to create.

3, click Download to save the iOS business description file to the computer

create ios push certificate

iOS APP need to push the notice, use the iOS push certificate, divided into test debugging with the iOS push certificate (development environment) and shelves to the App Store ios push certificate! (Production Environment)

First, iOS test push certificate (test debugging)

1, open Appuploader, select Certification.

IOS certificate application here to use a tool Appuploader, you can quickly create. P12 and .mobileprovision iOS certificate file.

Appuploader installation tutorial

2, click + ADD \ select Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox) -iOS development mode push certificate

Enter the certificate name, password, select your APP for the appids, (appids create tutorials) click ok to create.

3, download and save the .p12iOS certificate file

Second, iOS release push certificate (shelves to the App Store use)

1, open Appuploader, select Certification.

2,click + ADD \ select Push Notification service SLL (Sandbox & Producyion) -iOS release push certificate

Enter the certificate name, password, select your APP for the appids, (appids create tutorials) click ok to create.

3, download and save the .p12iOS certificate file

create ios developer certificate

Create an iOS certificate first apply for an APP ID card, apply for iOS certificate file. Mobileprovision need to choose, as well as in itunesconnect. New app also need.

appids Apply for a tutorial

Add a debugging device

1, get UDID Use the iPhone or iPad your own browser to scan the following two-dimensional code, you can quickly get UDID

The same time as the above-

2, log in to the developer center, add equipment, select the device, click the upper right corner +.

3, enter the device name and device UDID, click all the way to create.


Second, create a developer certificate

IOS certificate application here to use a tool Appuploader, you can quickly create. P12 and .mobileprovision iOS certificate file.

Appuploader installation tutorial

1, open the software, select the certification.

2, click + ADD developer certificate option (development certificate can only create a 2, if previously created directly to create a description file on the line), enter the certificate name, e-mail, password certificate, click create ok.

3, download the p.12 certificate file saved to the computer

Third, create a developer description file 1, select the configuration file, click + Add to select the developer profile option

2, click + ADD to select the developer to describe the file options, select appid, check the associated development before creating the certificate, check whether the device is used for development debugging, enter the name, click OK to create.

3, download save (.Mobileprovision) file

This completes the development of the certificate and describes the creation of the configuration file.

create ios Ad hoc certificates

There are two types of commissioning certificates

Develop certificates and Ad hoc certificates

IOS needs to be packaged with IPA to install the phone to the phone

If you use xcode development, you can directly use the development certificate, with the phone to connect xcode for real machine debugging, but now also free certificate debugging, it is convenient.

If you need to pack to a friend, the customer test, inconvenient to take the phone directly to you to connect xcode to fill, or need iOS test certificate (Ad hoc) package, can be issued to others to install.

If you use HBuilder and other cross-platform development tools to develop iOS iOS, but also to use iOS test certificate (Ad hoc) packaged IPA can be installed to non-jailbreak mobile phone test.

Apply for iOS certificate first step to apply for an APPid (application ID)

Applying App IDs

APP IDs in the back to create iOS debugging files, and later shelves iOS will be used.

First open the Developer Center , enter the certificate page.

1.1 Click on the certificate, ID and accessory file to enter the settings.

1.2 Select App IDs -> Click + to create a new App ID

There are two items that you need to fill in yourself:

The first Name, used to describe your App ID, the casual fill, there is no limit, it is best to project name, so easy to identify their own (not allowed Chinese)

The second Bundle ID (App ID Suffix), which is your App ID suffix, need to fill in carefully. Used to mark our app, so that it has a fixed identity, and your program directly related. Fill out the format of the Explicit App ID:, according to the format to write, write a convenient note, followed by a lot of places to use.

The third App Services, the default will choose 2, can not be modified, the other according to their own needs to select the service, and then click Continue to confirm, the next step.

Check the next is not wrong, then click Register and click Done to complete the App ID to create.

Second, add the test equipment

1, get UDID

Use the iPhone or iPad to scan the following two-dimensional code to get the UDID quickly

The same time as the above-

2, log in the developer center, add equipment, select Devices, click the upper right corner + number.

3, enter the device name and device UDID, all the way to create.

Third, create a release test certificate

1, open the software, select Certification.

IOS certificate application here to use a tool Appuploader, you can quickly create. P12 and .mobileprovision iOS certificate file.

Appuploader installation tutorial

2, click + ADD to select the release certificate option, click + ADD to select the developer certificate option, enter the certificate name, mailbox, certificate password, click ok to create.

3, download the save certificate file (.p12)

Fourth, create a release test description file

Select Profiles and click + ADD to select the developer profile option

2, click + ADD to select the release test description file option (ad hoc), select appid, check the association created before the release of the certificate, check the previously added to test the device, enter the name, click ok to create.

Download the saved (.mobileprovision) file

Save the iOS certificate and description file, and then you can go to the development platform you use the packaging test.

create ios distribution certificate and provisioning profiles

Create a iOS release certificate

IOS certificate application here to use a tool Appuploader, you can quickly create. P12 and .mobileprovision iOS certificate file.

Appuploader installation tutorial

1, open the Appuploader, select Certification

2, click + ADD type will appear a variety of certificate options, according to their own needs to create a certificate type selection.

iOS App Development

Apple Push Notification service SSL(Sandbox)

App Store and Ad Hoc

Push Notification Auth Key (Sandbox & Producyion)

Push Notification service SLL(Sandbox & Producyion)

Pass Type ID Certificate

Website Push ID Certificate

Watchkit Services Certificate

voIP Services Certificate

Apple Pay Certificate

3, in order to App Store and Ad Hoc certificate, for example, enter the certificate name, mailbox, password (when packing IPA), click OK to create.

4, click p12 File, save the certificate file to the computer.

Two, create iOS release description file

1, open the Appuploader, select Profiles

2, click + ADD, according to the need to select the configuration file type


iOS App Development

tvOS App Development

App Store

tvOS App Store

Ad Hoc

tvOS Ad Hoc

3, with the release of the description file, for example, before the choice of the developer center to create APP IDs, tick selected, enter the name, click OK to create.


4, click on the Download download, save to the computer

now issued a certificate, the release of the description file are available, you can go pack ipa.

2017 new Xcode builds ipa submit to App Store tutorial

Xcode package IPA package before the first application for iOS certificate, and then import the certificate in order to package export IPA package.

Divided into 8 steps

1, apply for iOS certificate

2, import the certificate to the keychain

3, xcode configuration iOS certificate

4, configure the xcode package environment

5, package and export IPA package

6, create an App in iTunes Connect,

7, upload IPA to the App Store

  1. Go back to iTunes Connect for review

First, apply for iOS release certificate and description file

1, first apply for an App IDs (application ID), has applied for a skip.

APP IDs in the back to create a release file, create an APP must be used.

If the iOS debugging was created before, do not have to re-create, or use that appid.

First open the Developer Center Apple Developer, enter the certificate page.

1.1 Click on the certificate, ID and accessory file to enter the settings.

1.2 Select App IDs -> Click + to create a new App ID

There are two items that you need to fill in yourself:

The first Name, used to describe your App ID, the casual fill, there is no limit, it is best to project name, so easy to identify their own (not allowed Chinese)

The second Bundle ID (App ID Suffix), which is your App ID suffix, need to fill in carefully. Used to mark our app, so that it has a fixed identity, and your program directly related. Fill in the format of the Explicit App ID: (to have two points.) Written in the format, write a convenient note, followed by a lot of places to use.

The third configuration service permissions, the default will choose 2, can not be modified, other commonly used Apple payment, APP push notification, according to their own needs to select the service, and then click Continue to confirm, the next step.

Select Apple to pay and push notifications, but also need to create the corresponding iOS Apple payment certificate and iOS push certificate.

Generally nothing to ask the default like.

Check the next is not wrong, then click Register and click Done to complete the App ID to create.

2, apply for a certificate issued

Here use the Appuploader tool to apply directly to export p12 files and description files.

If you have not installed Appuploader first installed

Appuploader installation tutorial

2.1 open Appuploader, enter the Apple Developer Center account, login.

2.2 Select Certification

2.3 click + ADD, where the development of certificates and so on to create options, where the election of the third issue of a certificate.

If you have a certificate issued before you can not create, with the previous line, Apple provides individuals can only create three release certificate.

2.4 input, certificate name (free) mailbox (any mailbox will do) password (behind the introduction of the key pad assistant) and then click ok

2.5 at this time to generate a good release of a certificate, click p12 File, download the certificate file, save to the computer.

So that the release of the certificate to create a good.

3, apply to publish the description file

3.1 Back to Software Click Profiles

3.2 click + ADD, there are development description files and so on options, where the election release file.

3.3 Select APP IDs, which were created in the Developer Center, which will appear automatically here.

3.4 check the newly created release certificate association, enter name, click ok

Note: If you have previously created multiple release certificates, the following release certificate box displays multiple release certificates,

You can select all, the default newly created release certificate, package the latest creation of the issuing certificate password.

Ps: release the certificate can be a different app, the description of the different documents on the line.

3.5 At this point to generate a release description file, click Download to download to the computer to save

So get a .p12 card file and a .mobileprovision profile

Second, the introduction of iOS certificate p12 to the key chain assistant

1, open the key pad assistant, double-click the p12 file, the default keychain is (login), pay attention here must choose (system)

So behind the package when the iOS certificate will not be given.

2, after the introduction of this certificate is signed by the unknown authority, because it is not using the machine’s keychain file to apply for the iOS certificate

But it does not matter, set the trust just fine

3, double-click the certificate, click on the trust, use this certificate, set to always trust.

Third, xcode configuration iOS authentication and packaging environment

1, use xocde to open your project, click to enter the setup certificate interface.

There are two places to set up

Select Code Signing the following release (release) Debugs is the beta, if the package test on the test version, import iOS release certificate.

On the shelves App Store select the release version.

And then select the corresponding iOS release certificate you just uploaded

2, back to the basic information settings interface, Bundie fill this, the first to create that appid, with the creation of iOS description file to choose the same.

Now there is an error message, because there is no import iOS description file.

3, double-click .mobileprovision description file, flash on the automatic import to the xcode, not the wrong said it can.

4, select the xcode menu bar as shown in the figure

5, the Archived modified to Release

6, click to select the device, select the packaging equipment.

Fourth, the project package IPA package export
1, select the menu bar as shown in the figure, if the Archive is still gray, indicating that the previous configuration did not take effect, quit re-open the next.

Click Archive to start packing.

2, package progress bar finished, will pop up the following interface, click Expcrt

3, here is the personal development account released to the App Store, so select the first item, click Next. Test the election of the second election.

4, select your developer account, not login will prompt you to log in, click Choose, will check your iOS certificate is correct.

5, iOS certificate detection through this step, click Export, it will export a folder, which is IPA file, you’re done.

This IPA package can be uploaded to the App Store.

6, create an App in iTunes Connect,

6.1 Enter iTunes Connect to create the APP, select my APP click on the top left corner + select the new APP, enter your application name, language, package ID, previously created in the Developer Center corresponding APP IDs (and just created iOS release profile When the selected appid to be consistent, so with the iOS certificate packaged IPA, upload will be able to identify the corresponding) sku can not write Chinese, click to create.

6.2here to use Xcode or Application loader to submit IPA, and so under the Appuploader can be used directly upload ipa, faster.

APP information is now not filled out, and so on under the IPA upload successful and then fill out.

Here to build the version next to no +, followed by upload IPA will appear, and so will be used.

7, upload IPA to the App Store

7.1 Open the Appuploader program and click Upload.

7.2 select the newly generated iap package, Appuploader will automatically upload your IPA, when the following tips, indicating successful upload, click deail can view APP information.

  1. Go back to iTunes Connect for review

8.1 upload a good IPA, and then return to iTunes Connect, enter the fill in the information page, below a build version of the option, before this no +, if the upload is successful, a few minutes next to a plus button, Click on the + and then you will just upload the APP, there are multiple versions will appear multiple, click, click to complete.


If after a period of time, build the version there did not appear +, there is no build version, Apple will have a feedback mail, please check the mailbox, which shows the reasons for the rejection, modify and then upload.

Add the build version, if you want to modify the add, add the next version of the package, if the same with the previous upload can not.

Click to delete will appear +, you can choose another version of the upload to submit the audit.

8.2 and then set up APP-related information, categories, prices, sales services.

Screenshots, if your app only supports iPhone, you only need to provide 5.5-inch display screenshots

Pixel – Portrait: 1242 x 2208,

Horizontal: 2208 x 1242

72 dpi, RGB, flat, opaque High quality JPEG or PNG image file format).

Other sizes check the 5.5-inch on the line, up to upload 5.

If your application supports iPad,

a 12.9-inch screen shot will be able to meet the requirements. APP icon size is 1024 * 1024

8.3 After setting the appropriate APP information, click Submit for review.

8.4 Submit the audit back to my APP view will be prompted to wait for the audit, the audit is sometimes a day or two, or a few days time, often landed to see the audit situation, or see e-mail tips.

If you become available for sale, congratulations you ~ shelves success, if the display is rejected, click to view the problem, according to feedback changes and then re-upload.

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