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7 Best Free API sites in 2024

In your APItoolkit, free API websites are like goldmines. These websites offer a vast collection of APIs. Whether you're cooking up a storm with a weather app (pun loosely intended) or crafting a social media platform, free API websites provide the essential building blocks to bring your project to life.

7 Best Free API sites


More than just a directory, RapidAPI acts as a marketplace for APIs. It offers a curated selection of free APIs along with paid options, providing additional features and higher usage limits. RapidAPI also simplifies the development process with tools and code snippets.

Postman API network

Discover a comprehensive directory of APIs meticulously categorized for easy browsing. Postman boasts clear and concise documentation for each API, making it an excellent resource for understanding implementation details.

Public APIs

This GitHub repository is a community-driven effort, listing a plethora of free APIs. While the interface might be less polished compared to other options, Public APIs offers a wide variety of niche and lesser-known APIs you might not find elsewhere.

API List

API list is a valuable resource for free API discovery. It offers a user-friendly interface for searching and exploring APIs, along with clear documentation and community forums for troubleshooting.


Unlock the power of text analysis with MeaningCloud's free API. This API offers sentiment analysis, topic extraction, and entity recognition, allowing you to extract valuable insights from textual data within your project.

PokeAPI - Bonus

Calling all Pokemon enthusiasts! PokeAPI is a haven for developers seeking data on everyone's favorite pocket monsters. It provides detailed information on Pokemon characters, abilities, moves, and more, perfect for building Pokemon-themed applications.

Google Maps APIs

Enhance user engagement with the Google Maps API! You can leverage this API to integrate interactive maps and location-based features, enabling users to explore, navigate, and discover with ease.

Final Thoughts

This list highlights just a fraction of the fantastic free API websites available. Remember, the best website for you depends on your specific project requirements. Consider factors like API categorization, search functionality, documentation quality, and the website's overall user experience.

Happy Hunting!

Free API websites empower developers to design innovative applications without reinventing the wheel. Using free APIs comes with risks of deprecation and broken APIs. Use APItoolkit to track all your APIs in real time.

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