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Create Excel Line Chart

IronXL supports creation and editing of Charts for Excel documents in the modern XLSX file format.

This example shows how to create a Line Chart. Other chart types are also supported.


using IronXL;
using IronXL.Drawing.Charts;

WorkBook workbook = WorkBook.Load("test.xlsx");
WorkSheet sheet = workbook.DefaultWorkSheet;

//Set the chart type and it's position  on the worksheet.
var chart = sheet.CreateChart(ChartType.Line, 10, 10, 18, 20);

//Add the series to the chart
//The first parameter represents the address of the range for horizontal(category) axis.
//The second  parameter represents the address of the range for vertical(value) axis.
var series = chart.AddSeries("B3:B8", "A3:A8");

//Set the chart title.
series.Title = "Line Chart";

//Set the legend position.
//Can be removed by setting it to None.

//We can change the position of the chart.
chart.Position.LeftColumnIndex = 2;
chart.Position.RightColumnIndex = chart.Position.LeftColumnIndex + 3;

//Plot all the data that was added to the chart before.
//Multiple call of this method leads to plotting multiple charts instead of modifying the existing chart.
//Yet there is no possibility to remove chart or edit it's series/position.
//We can just create new one.

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Imports IronXL
Imports IronXL.Drawing.Charts

Private workbook As WorkBook = WorkBook.Load("test.xlsx")
Private sheet As WorkSheet = workbook.DefaultWorkSheet

'Set the chart type and it's position  on the worksheet.
Private chart = sheet.CreateChart(ChartType.Line, 10, 10, 18, 20)

'Add the series to the chart
'The first parameter represents the address of the range for horizontal(category) axis.
'The second  parameter represents the address of the range for vertical(value) axis.
Private series = chart.AddSeries("B3:B8", "A3:A8")

'Set the chart title.
series.Title = "Line Chart"

'Set the legend position.
'Can be removed by setting it to None.

'We can change the position of the chart.
chart.Position.LeftColumnIndex = 2
chart.Position.RightColumnIndex = chart.Position.LeftColumnIndex + 3

'Plot all the data that was added to the chart before.
'Multiple call of this method leads to plotting multiple charts instead of modifying the existing chart.
'Yet there is no possibility to remove chart or edit it's series/position.
'We can just create new one.

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