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Next.js vs. React: Which is the Best for Your Project

Ishrat on February 26, 2023

In this story, we are going to talk about React.js and Next.js to find out which one we should use in our projects to get the most benefit. The pu...
vulcanwm profile image

Great post!
I’ve just started learning Next.js and React so it was really helpful

ishratumar profile image

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and leaving a comment! I'm glad to hear that you found it helpful. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to ask.

Good luck with your learning!

vulcanwm profile image


codeofrelevancy profile image
Code of Relevancy

I will go with Next.js

ishratumar profile image

Awesome! Next.js is a popular choice among web developers and can be a great tool for building modern web applications.

codeofrelevancy profile image
Code of Relevancy

Yes 👍

727021 profile image
Andrew Schimelpfening

Nextjs vs react doesn’t really make sense as a comparison imo. A better comparison would be nextjs vs create react app (but really you should just avoid cra). Also, the “Beginner Friendly” section seems to imply that nextjs uses create react app, which it does not.

tinoreyna1984 profile image
Tino Reyna

React could be necessary to understand the foundations of how a consistent web app is built using the React components. Because of this, React is flexible to do any web application, PWA, etc, with the help of third party libraries (React Router, Redux, etc). But if we are meant to do scalable applications, especially if we need these to be full stack and without requiring third party elements, Next.js is suitable for this purpose. Everyone who knows React will love to develop using Next because of his deep-low-configuration focus.

amruthk99 profile image
Amruth Kuntamalla

Good post!
But, you did't mention any cons of using NextJs
Hope you cover that in your next post!

gerthi profile image

This is more confusing that it is helpful tbh.
And please don't use CRA in 2023, it'll never be a good idea.

felipemimoura profile image
Felipe Moura

Nice post. We need even more understand about how is the best to project, no how we likes. Even project require technologies difference

syaddadh1211 profile image
Syaddad Hilmi Bahalwan

Is it still necessary using JWT in NextJS ? thanks.

joydeep-bhowmik profile image
Joydeep Bhowmik

The thing is that node js is not allowed in shared hosting....this brakes my heart

sukrittt profile image
Sukrit Saha

I am about to get started with Next.js and now read this article. I'm excited.

maacpiash profile image
Ahad Chowdhury

Next.js itself is a framework built on top of React.js. I think a better question would be which one to choose between CRA and Next.js.