DEV Community

Discussion on: Sexism, Racism, Toxic Positivity, and TailwindCSS

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Andrey Sitnik

I see a big difference in community and tools communications in CSS and rest of the fields.

  • JS’s TC39 invited Babel author to speak abut polyfills lmits on their meeting, but CSSWG is trying to avoid CSS polyfil community.
  • I know a few cases, when popular people (no Sara) keeps their article outdated to hide new CSS tooling features from the community. Which is insane for JS community.
  • I can’t remember whem podcasts invisted CSS tooling authors.
  • Big important releases and initiatives were motly ignored by CSS opinion leaders (for instance, when Autoprefixer/Browserslist started to fight for brower diversity against US’s trends to ignore Chinese browers on gobal websites).

I beleave that it is a part of conflict between JS and CS community. But CSS tooling is not part of JS world to be treated with this hostile. We try to give a more power to CSS community to help them in this conflict.

And of course, it doesn’t excuse toxic behaviour. But this conflict is a good reason to highlight this unique conflict beween the community and CSS tooling.

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