Welcome to Iteration, a weekly podcast about programming, development, and design.
First, some fun questions:
πor π on writing CSS?
What do you love about CSS, what do you hate?
To this day, what are some of the things you don't understand?
- JP: CSS Grid, Floats (kind of. I always forget what the clearfix thing is for)
WTF ?β Here is a set of components you can build, pre-defined styles, gives you a starting point. Pre-buit UI.
Popular Ones
Boostrap β Pre-defined class "Components"
card shadow
Tailwinds β Much more like Tachyons
md:flex g-white rounded-lg p-6
Material UI
Atomic CSS / Tachyons
Pros / Cons
Pro: Using tailwind for side project. Wrote 0 css
- Tailwind components (Basically a better looking bootstrap)
Con: Output is derivative
JP's argument β you could design anything you wanted
It's more of a function of what the docs provide.
Pro for Tailwind β Tailwind doesn't come with baked in components
How do we overcome derivative sites?
Could be tools
But I think it's more about pushing the design side more
Thinking in terms of "Bootstrap Components"
Think more first principle
Strong designer to push you too break the bounds of these frameworks
Frameworks - Pros and Cons of Each
- John: My top choice. I know it better than any other framework. I don't think it's "The best"
John: Worked with it a lot, had some client projects use their own fork. Really powerful but it starts just feeling like "inline styles" SO MANY Classes
bg-dark-green ba bw5 dshadow2 br2 pb3
It's like ok ok calm down.
Material UI
- Nice for quick projects. Super lightweight. Our agency site was built in Skeleton
Customizing it
Example: H1's β identifying patterns
Take a set of classes and use the "apply" function
Single set to define your custom classes.
You throw those into a single class called "Heading"
Starts with customizing variables
These variabels are used in the
JP: https://thoughtbot.com/blog/running-specs-from-vim
"Copy css" from sketch
Css in Figma
Re-pick: https://refactoringui.com/ (Same guy behind Tailwind)
Referenced: https://a.singlediv.com/