Welcome to Iteration, a weekly podcast about programming, development, and design.
- My name is JP, I am a software engineer at Opendoor. Today I am joined by John
- John Intro — I build and maintain Web Apps for startups.
Developer roadmap 2020
- Web search "Developer roadmap 2020" and you'll find this Github repo
- https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap
- You can also find it at https://roadmap.sh/
- Its a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a frontend, backend or a DevOps.
- Looking at a chart with hundreds of "Nodes" each representing potentially hundreds of hours and their own specialties all-together
Looking at this for 2 reasons
1 — If you are new to development, this helps you make sense of all the resources, languages and frameworks. These roadmaps cover everything that is there to learn. Don't feel overwhelmed, you don't need to learn it all in the beginning if you are just getting started, focus on the core and the rest comes over time
2 — If you are experienced it helps you identify and organize gaps in your knowledge.
The two Paths
- Front End — "Everything the user sees"
- Back end
- Dev ops
John: What about Mobile? This is called the "Web Developer Roadmap" but there is a lot of overlap
Web Dev 2020
- Front end + back end + dev ops
- Pre-reqs:
John: How does someone choose a path?
- JP: It depends — what interests you? Everything is biasing toward the front end.
- John: When in doubt pick front-end, especially in 2020. Serverless, GraphQL etc
Front End Roadmap
"Everything the user sees"
- JP: Honestly, I don't know how DNS works. I should really do a google search for what happens when you do a google search
- JP: Surprisingly, I know a lot of the stuff up until it drops down into PWA stuff.
- JP: mmm... do you really need to know GraphQL? This might be one of those things where I'm old man shaking fist at cloud
Back-end Roadmap
"Everything that the user doesn't see"
JP: I wonder why javascript is the personal recommendation for back end language
John: Web: JavaScript, Ruby, Go or PHP seem to be good choices in today's landscape. Mobile of course is C# or Java
DevOps Roadmap
"The equipment it all runs on" — The boiler room in titanic
JP and John are least experienced in this bucket.
JP: Learn heroku lol
- "Get some administration knowledge in some OS"
Wrap Up
- Cloud App — Way easier way to share screenshots + gifs
- https://www.onsched.com/ - Appointment API